O.k. i'll update...
i saw my first baby owl ever, this summer...
i got all sortsa icebreakin' action goin'
with perfectmatch.com. Out here in
this sleepy little retiree and college town,
i'm able to as a 35 year old, be reveiwing
profiles from all over the western hemisphere.
i think thats pretty cool. Its certainly different than
like in Casablanca, where you had to make your move
with the person who was right there with you,
right then and there. Thats just what i think about
as the seasons change.
i saw my first baby owl ever, this summer...
i got all sortsa icebreakin' action goin'
with perfectmatch.com. Out here in
this sleepy little retiree and college town,
i'm able to as a 35 year old, be reveiwing
profiles from all over the western hemisphere.
i think thats pretty cool. Its certainly different than
like in Casablanca, where you had to make your move
with the person who was right there with you,
right then and there. Thats just what i think about
as the seasons change.