Hello SG land!
Well, it's the time of year for sending kind thoughts, good wishes (and sometimes gifts) to people whom we care about and in the spirit of the season, I would like to take a moment to wish all the lovely people here at SG, the girls, the staff, the photographers, the members and anyone else who happens to be wandering through the portals of the site at the moment the very best and happiest of times...
In acknowledgement of SG's worldwide membership, I have done my best below to convey good wishes in all those languages I feel confident enough in trying to use (if I have made any disastrous errors, please do forgive me)...
So, here goes...
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad y feliz Ano Nuevo!
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!
Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr!
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!
Prettige Kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuw jaar!
Sretan Bozic i Nova Godina!
Nadolig Llawen!

Of course, there may be those who are disinclined to be celebrating for whatever reason and there may even be some litigiously minded lawyers out there,
so here's a greeting especially for you 
Dear Christmas Wish Recipient,
From us ("the wishors") to you ("hereinafter called the wishee")
Please accept without obligation, either implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all; together with . . .
A fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, emotionally edifying and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2011; but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to the race, creed, colour, religious, dietary or sexual preference of the wishes.
Disclaimer: By accepting this greeting you acknowledge that this greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal entirely at the wishor's discretion. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for the wishee or others merely a beneficent hope on the part of the wishors that they do in fact occur.
This greeting is warranted to perform as reasonably may be expected within the usual application of good tidings, for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first.
The wishor warrants this greeting only for the limited replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wishor.
This greeting is freely transferable provided that no alteration shall be made to the original greeting and that the proprietary rights of the wishor are acknowledged.
This greeting may not be enforceable in certain jurisdictions and/or the restrictions herein may not be binding upon certain wishees in certain jurisdictions and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wishors.
Please be aware that any references within this greeting to "the Lord", "Father Christmas", "Our Saviour", or any other festive figures, whether actual or fictitious, alive, deceased or resurrected, shall not imply any endorsement by or from them in respect of this greeting and all proprietary rights in any referenced third party names and trademarked images are hereby acknowledged.
The wisher accepts no responsibility for any unintended emotional distress these greetings may bring to anyone not caught up in the holiday spirit.
Have a great time everyone, wherever you are and whatever you're doing over the holidays
Well, it's the time of year for sending kind thoughts, good wishes (and sometimes gifts) to people whom we care about and in the spirit of the season, I would like to take a moment to wish all the lovely people here at SG, the girls, the staff, the photographers, the members and anyone else who happens to be wandering through the portals of the site at the moment the very best and happiest of times...
In acknowledgement of SG's worldwide membership, I have done my best below to convey good wishes in all those languages I feel confident enough in trying to use (if I have made any disastrous errors, please do forgive me)...

So, here goes...
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad y feliz Ano Nuevo!
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!
Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr!
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!
Prettige Kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuw jaar!
Sretan Bozic i Nova Godina!
Nadolig Llawen!

Of course, there may be those who are disinclined to be celebrating for whatever reason and there may even be some litigiously minded lawyers out there,

Dear Christmas Wish Recipient,
From us ("the wishors") to you ("hereinafter called the wishee")
Please accept without obligation, either implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all; together with . . .
A fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, emotionally edifying and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2011; but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to the race, creed, colour, religious, dietary or sexual preference of the wishes.
Disclaimer: By accepting this greeting you acknowledge that this greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal entirely at the wishor's discretion. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for the wishee or others merely a beneficent hope on the part of the wishors that they do in fact occur.
This greeting is warranted to perform as reasonably may be expected within the usual application of good tidings, for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first.
The wishor warrants this greeting only for the limited replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wishor.
This greeting is freely transferable provided that no alteration shall be made to the original greeting and that the proprietary rights of the wishor are acknowledged.
This greeting may not be enforceable in certain jurisdictions and/or the restrictions herein may not be binding upon certain wishees in certain jurisdictions and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wishors.
Please be aware that any references within this greeting to "the Lord", "Father Christmas", "Our Saviour", or any other festive figures, whether actual or fictitious, alive, deceased or resurrected, shall not imply any endorsement by or from them in respect of this greeting and all proprietary rights in any referenced third party names and trademarked images are hereby acknowledged.
The wisher accepts no responsibility for any unintended emotional distress these greetings may bring to anyone not caught up in the holiday spirit.

Have a great time everyone, wherever you are and whatever you're doing over the holidays

Merry Christmas to you too