so... the highest-ups at work somehow enjoy totally fucking my brain on a regular basis. fuck.
something happened today and i just wanted to vomit as it was one of the most egregious examples of nepotism and the shadiest hr move i've ever seen in my life... i even worked for a healthcare megacorp once and never had dry-heaves from management tactics. ick. i made some rather brash comments while we were reviewing the decision, and i wouldn't back down on my opposition to the move they were making. i'm still pissed about that. well then about fifteen minutes later i get a message from the biggest boss that he needs to meet with me after i get back from lunch. so i sit down with my big boss and my biggest boss... and they coddle my balls?! they are putting me through a year-long "leadership" course that they explain is a practical MBA for the line of work I'm involved in... they go through this whole thing about the financial investment they are making in me and that they assume that i'll be staying to help "strengthen the community" for longer than the 5 years i have maintained that i would commit to them. why the fuck do i even maintain i'll give them five years? i'm not so smart sometimes. fuck.
so basically, my work and my hometown are trying to strangle me... by giving me opportunities which i can't really say no to. i hate the idea that i'm being groomed, but is being groomed really a bad thing? management sucks ass though, i want to work in policy... i want to be knee-deep in language and restrictions and grant proposals. fuck.
if i wind up buying a house here and entertaining the idea of having parasites (wife and childmonsters) ... PLEASE FUCKING SHOOT ME. PLEASE. This is what happens when you get out of college and can't decide whether to go to grad school or not... fuck.
something happened today and i just wanted to vomit as it was one of the most egregious examples of nepotism and the shadiest hr move i've ever seen in my life... i even worked for a healthcare megacorp once and never had dry-heaves from management tactics. ick. i made some rather brash comments while we were reviewing the decision, and i wouldn't back down on my opposition to the move they were making. i'm still pissed about that. well then about fifteen minutes later i get a message from the biggest boss that he needs to meet with me after i get back from lunch. so i sit down with my big boss and my biggest boss... and they coddle my balls?! they are putting me through a year-long "leadership" course that they explain is a practical MBA for the line of work I'm involved in... they go through this whole thing about the financial investment they are making in me and that they assume that i'll be staying to help "strengthen the community" for longer than the 5 years i have maintained that i would commit to them. why the fuck do i even maintain i'll give them five years? i'm not so smart sometimes. fuck.
so basically, my work and my hometown are trying to strangle me... by giving me opportunities which i can't really say no to. i hate the idea that i'm being groomed, but is being groomed really a bad thing? management sucks ass though, i want to work in policy... i want to be knee-deep in language and restrictions and grant proposals. fuck.
if i wind up buying a house here and entertaining the idea of having parasites (wife and childmonsters) ... PLEASE FUCKING SHOOT ME. PLEASE. This is what happens when you get out of college and can't decide whether to go to grad school or not... fuck.
At least they don't deny you for higher paying positions within your department for being "over" qualified. Then have the police arrest you to keep you on probation to allow for slave labor. All to have some crack head steal your wallet.
oh marcus, what shall we do with you?