update: married, two dogs (miniature pinscher and a terrier mix), a new kitten (tuxedo cat)... all animals rescues... I am a social worker currently, working on wrapping up my CPA to become an accountant, I'm a landlord now, and eventually I'll have it all figured out.

How are you doing?

I will never understand why someone bought me three months of SG, but I'm here.

update since I was last a member a while back:

-live and work in downtown Columbus, OH
-can has best girlfriend ever
-facebook is my haunt now, if you don't know my name on there message me and I'll friend you.

hello!! I got my membership renewed as well.
yeah, it looks like they gave out a bunch of three month renewals under the guise of someone buying you a gift.
Change takes time, except when it doesn't.

I don't remember things becoming different, but they are... as I was told when I was younger - old souls have to wait for the world to be ready for them, they can't go about making demands and getting angry. After the youthful get tired of the maypole they realize the fool wasn't there to entertain and criticize,...
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It's a three horse race... the dark horse of course being the best friend who hangs back while I date the other two horses, knowing she can probably crush either of their hopes by telling me she's ready to try again... one older horse I already know is cool has a date set up this thursday - likes cedar point, good beer, hiking and dogs....
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yes yes...

Have fun with the horses...
Back in Ohio... vacation taught me two things - Warm is better than cold, but cold is still better than hot. I need to leave my job ASAP - it's killing me.

The job hunt begins!
Off for 16 days in the great American Southeast... NC, SC, GA, FL - no one is safe, lock up your daughters... er- wait a second, I'm a nice guy with a stable job - so maybe you should have your daughters ready for a really nice evening out?! HAHA... doing some camping, eating, history geek visits, museum visits, shopping, and ultimately hanging out with...
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have a good one man take care yourself
Vote yes, for reading books and hanging out at the library.

I turn 29 this week. Turning into an old man, but I've had a better year this year than ever in my life... I'm really looking forward to my 30s, shit's gonna be pretty awesome. I just wish I had the age and the perspective without the aches and pains surreal
I was thinking it would be nice to have another Spring Trip. Would you be interested?
ok, when the celestial order of things decided to take all matter and anti-matter into hand and create rys it was undertaking a feat that would render the universe useless for several millennia, I strongly support this decision.

seriously, based on intelligence and abnormal beauty alone - this is what dream girls are made of... I shouldn't even need to mention the sense of humor....
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sweet! thanx man, maybe we can check it out if I come up for Havanna!
I now live in Columbus again, sortof in-between campus and grandview and upper arlington. good times shall ensue. closed off the most recent relationship, now working on starting a new one - so no real bad news on the domestic front. work is still work, but now i'll be able to have a beer after work and unwind living far far away from my clients....
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the quick rundown:

work - crazy as always
side business #1 internet video production/publication - stagnant, on the backburner
side business #2 retail - goes live friday, lots of my free time tied up in this
romantic life - not all that romantic, but she's amazing
volunteer work - alive, but also on the backburner
free time - non-existant, especially since i have a problem...
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