Thursday was quite a freaky day, I was at work going about my business when an email I had been waiting for since January arrived.
A few weeks ago I got some bad news, an email from crew operations of Sea Shepherd Australia sent me a mail saying I was surplus to requirements, this left me rather out of sorts as I was assured I would be needed by the head of recruitment, the Captain of one of the ships that had just returned from a successful campaign in the Antarctic.
So rather deflated and wanting to get on with my life I mailed the Captain directly last week and was set to allow a week to o by before making plans to get on with shit. But Thursday morning I received a mail from said Captain saying I would be needed for the next phase of Operation Toxic Gulf. Sea Shepherd in co-operation with Ocean Alliance will be using the research vessel RV Odyssey to travel the gulf coast of the United States and measure the impact on marine life the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster has had in the Caribbean.
So everythin is happening freakishly fast and I'm a little freaked out, but happy that I'm going. I fly to Key West Tuesday after next and will spend the entire summer on a sailing boat in the Gulf of Mexico.
Weird thing too and something I'm a bit bummed about, I only just recently started seeing a girl but c'est la vie :)
Financially a bit tapped out and I have so much to sort out before I leave.
If anyone fancies throwing a small donation it would be much appreciated :)
Stay strong and never ever surrender