Been a while since I did a music blog, tried earlier but hit refresh by mistake and lost the whole bloody thing... Also, y'all have no idea how annoying it is to have the goddamn L key not working properly, I have to mash it proper hard to get it to work... AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH.
Right, on to the music
Saw these guys last year, one of the best pits I've been in, this song is my motto
This is kinda my get up and go song at the moment, don't ask why, it just is and it is good
Love this song, love this band
So stoked to be seeing one of may all time favourite bands end of June, so inspirational
Just doing the best I can
On the subject of gigs, seeing Scott Ian's Spoken Word gig in June too, gonna be awesome, trying to hook tickets for the meet and greet after
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim...
Almost three years clean and feeling stronger than ever
Punk before punk was punk, three black dudes from Detroit, so awesome and even more relevant in the world of today
July 4th, I'm seeing this lot
Such a fun group I discovered last year when they opened for Serj Tankian, saw them again earlier this year, such an awesome gig, no barrier and right up front.
And this is another group I love, seeing them in Tunbridge Wells later this summer
Gutted I missed these guys last year, had the tickets, will not miss them again
Yet another gig I'm looking forward to, got to represent the country I grew up in
Okeydokey, other than loads of gigs lined up, also finishing off the day of the dead Medusa in June and starting another piece, artists choice
Same studio that's doing my Medusa, just a different artist.
I really want to get my neck completed, have a tattoo holiday to the Czech Republic in the works to get my chest started, then just need to finish my right arm, left arm, both hands, a Buena Vista Tattoo Club piece on my back, start my legs and fill the rest of the empty space
I somehow got conned into heading up the Clapham Food Festival for the company I work for, was all fine and dandy as I understood they just wanted help with the menu, not actually want me to head it, anyways, it's weekend after next and I don't have a day off till well after, c'est la vie
Anyways, stay strong and never surrender
Right, on to the music
Saw these guys last year, one of the best pits I've been in, this song is my motto
This is kinda my get up and go song at the moment, don't ask why, it just is and it is good
Love this song, love this band

So stoked to be seeing one of may all time favourite bands end of June, so inspirational
Just doing the best I can

On the subject of gigs, seeing Scott Ian's Spoken Word gig in June too, gonna be awesome, trying to hook tickets for the meet and greet after
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim...
Almost three years clean and feeling stronger than ever

Punk before punk was punk, three black dudes from Detroit, so awesome and even more relevant in the world of today
July 4th, I'm seeing this lot
Such a fun group I discovered last year when they opened for Serj Tankian, saw them again earlier this year, such an awesome gig, no barrier and right up front.
And this is another group I love, seeing them in Tunbridge Wells later this summer
Gutted I missed these guys last year, had the tickets, will not miss them again
Yet another gig I'm looking forward to, got to represent the country I grew up in

Okeydokey, other than loads of gigs lined up, also finishing off the day of the dead Medusa in June and starting another piece, artists choice

Same studio that's doing my Medusa, just a different artist.
I really want to get my neck completed, have a tattoo holiday to the Czech Republic in the works to get my chest started, then just need to finish my right arm, left arm, both hands, a Buena Vista Tattoo Club piece on my back, start my legs and fill the rest of the empty space

I somehow got conned into heading up the Clapham Food Festival for the company I work for, was all fine and dandy as I understood they just wanted help with the menu, not actually want me to head it, anyways, it's weekend after next and I don't have a day off till well after, c'est la vie
Anyways, stay strong and never surrender