Yep, the title is a bit hilarious but it's kinda truth - she did change my life... way of thinking at least. So I would like to tell you how did I get here.
Well, I'm from Poland. Believe me, it's not much tolerant country. People here are taught to judge others based on their appearance or way of life and they're really rigorous with that. Maybe not officially, but Poland is church- state. I don't mind religious people of course, but in Poland most of them just consider themselves as religious, and the truth is that they're not going to church for praying or to get closer to God. They're going to church because their parents and their grandparents, and great-grandparents were going to church. They're go there and judge their neighbors. They can smile to others and bad-mouths them later. Is that catholic attitude? No, I don't think so. Unfortunately this is really common in my country.
My parents get divorced when I was 5. My dad is really tolerant and open-minded person, but the rest of my family is kinda like this pseudo - catholics. They imposed their beliefs on me. I heard sentence "What would people say " thousand times - it's actually piss me off even today. And because I've always been a little shy and emotional I usually didn't fight for my opinion and I was afraid of being judged. It has changed in High School when I made some open-minded friends and because of that I became more open and brave. At that time I decided to tell people who were close to me about my libertarian views and sexual fantasies, like bdsm. It cost me much, but one time someone told me that this is not normal and sick. Well, that was a little hypocritical but still really hurtful. I started to think that maybe it's right, but then I accidentally found this:
That was impetus that I needed. Just a little thing that you have to hear or see to think that you're not the only one. I started to read about Sasha because I was curious why she got into porn and what she had to say about that. I thought that maybe somebody implicate her in this or she had money problems, but it turned out that she just wanted it and she's not ashamed of this. Then I realized that if I won't stand for who I am, there will be no me. There will be just what others want me to be. I've always had a little "porn star side" hahah, and that's one of the reasons why I'm here. Someone can think that I'm a slut because I show my boobs on the internet, and that's actually ok. Everyone can think as he wants, but I like to show my boobs on the internet so I will do that haha! Anyway, I'm really happy to be here and to have this opportunity to get know people like me :)
Whoa, that post relly put my english to the test ^^!