Goodevening guys.

Today I'm going to answer to the most asked question: why did I disappear?
So.. in the lasto month a loooot of things happened.
Let's start from the """easier""" to the """heavier""".
I had a chest cold that almost killed me (just kidding.. but not much).
I almost broke up with my boyfriend.
My cat had a stomach infection because of ivy.
I had a breakdown.
Oh well... I still have a breakdown.
In these days I've tried so hard to take some photos but everytime I watch my face I feel disgusted.
Everytime I see my body, I remember all those girls with a perfect body, so skinny, so beautiful... and than there's me.
I've gained a lot of weight because of depression and my brain is full of thoughts that take me down.
In this month of absence I decided to think about myself and what I really want to do of my life. I can't go on like this.
So I've started to go to the gym, I bought some new clothes, I've setted a new shooting for Sunday.
Now, I promise I won't disappear again, I'm here because that's my dream and because you're so supportive.
Thank you a lot.
Love you all. ♥
@missy @rambo