1. do you like bleu cheese ? No, it has a terrible smell..
2. coke or pepsi ? None of them AHAHAH What about Whisky? 🌝
3. do you own a gun ? I’m kinda a pacifist.... KNIFE, I PREFER KNIVES OKAY? NO GUNS.
4. what flavor kool aid ? Uhm... maybe the blueberry one.
5. what do you think of hot dogs ? Well.. I’m vegetarian so.. 🤷🏻♀️
6. favortie TV show ? Dexter ♥️♥️
7. favorite movies ? Annihilation, the Exorcist and Zootropolis (What? Is it a crime to love horror and animations movies? 😒)
8. what do you drink in the morning ? Vodka 🤫
... no well... water..
9 can you do a pushup ? ......... No. I’m too fat.
10. favorite jewellery ? Necklaces.
11. favorite hobby ? Photography and painting listening to music.
12. do you have a d h d? .. no?
13. do you wear glasses ? Unfortunately... 24/24h...
14. Favorite cartoon character ? Nick (Zootropolis) ♥️
15. three things i did today ? Breathing, walking, sleeping 😌
16. three things i drink regularly ? Water, water, water... I’m an healthy person (sometimes alcoholics but.. shhh 🤫)
17. current dislike ? My turning overweight again...
18. favorite place to go ? My bedroom ♥️ (Or the wood, but who knows)
19. how did you bring in the new year ? My misanthropy? AHAHAH... No really.
20. where would you like to go ? Norway and Tokyo
21. name five people who wil do this ? @purpleink @epona_ and... well I don’t really know a lot of people here..
23. do you like to sleep on satin sheets ? Yep!
24. can you whislte ? Yes but I’m not so good ahah
25. what are you doing right now ? Nothing serious.. I’m writing this post
26. would you be a pirate ? I’m already a pirate, arrrh!
27. favorite food ? Tomatoes. IT’S FOOD OKAY?!
28. last thing/person that made me laugh ? My boyfriend ❤️
29. last time you received flowers ? Maybe 6 months ago AHAHAHAH
30. most recent injury ? No comment...
31. how many pets are in your house ? One, my cat 🐈
32. worst pain ever ? Loosing someone you love..
33. do you like to dance ? Oh yes! I’ve danced for 8 years!
34. are your parents still alive? Well.. yes.
35. do you love your life ? In this period in particular.
36. Summer or winter ? Autumn 🍂
Thanks @mademoisellecerise for the tag, and thanks to you for reading this! ✨🌸
(This is a preview of my debut set “If walls could talk, out in 3 months!)
@missy & @rambo