Oh SG..I'm so sorry I've neglected you for what seems to be ages!! But I'm here now so no need to worry or panic! In the words of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ...DON'T PANIC!
So a week ago I headed to San Diego for my very first time. I cant even explain to you the excitement!! I mean..not only was I going to a convention that I've always dreamed of going to because you know....I LOVE comics and all things "nerdy". But I was also going representing my FAVORITE thing in my life...SG!! Not mention I got to be surrounded by some of the hottest babes ever and meet some of my favorite suicide girls.
I had a blast meeting the fans, taking pictures and just being myself...which I know sometimes can be out there so thank you ladies for putting up with me lol. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world.
So before I continue with my story..let me spam you with photos from comic con first lol
This last photo is one of my favorites because @lyxzen and I are photo bomb masters lol!
Of course I have many more photos but we would be here all day while I posted them. I posted a lot of the cosplay ones on my instagram if you want to see those!!
So let's get back to life after Comic Con.
I turned in a new set which will be out in 5 months called "Ohana". It's a Stitch themed set and probably my favorite set to date !! It was shot by labrat...who's work is always stunning.
I ended up getting the "nerd flu" as I'm calling it and been recovering all week lol. All those people crowded into one space...of course I'd catch something!! I actually think a few of the girls caught it also. Blech!!
I've been working like crazy too. Went back to an insanely busy week at work. But I like to keep busy!!
I do miss all the ladies and it's always a hard adjustment when you go on a trip and come home but I'm happy to be home with my pups and hubby. Who I think starved while I was away (the hubby not the dogs lol) cause I wasn't cooking dinner everyday lol.
So anyway... thanks SG for being there for me!! And I can't thank SG enough for inviting me on this amazing journey ...I mean really....it's so awesome!!
You guys rock!!!!