It's that time again!! Time for another review! This time it's for Bioware's Dragon Age Inquisition.
Let me start by saying apologies for any grammar issues...I am writing this from my phone and it can be a real jerk! Also...this review will be as simple as possible without any story spoilers.
BioWare has a knack for making things look pretty....especially characters. That seems to be the focus for them. The game is beautiful...from the flora to the sky. There is so much detail in the armor, clothes, skin tones etc . If you've ever played Mass Effect then you'll know what I'm talking about here. The graphics are smooth and I never encountered any huge bugs. I did get stuck on a fence once when I managed to squeeze over it (when I wasn't supposed to be able to) and I got stuck in the other side and had to reload haha but that's my own fault.
One graphic issue that bothered me to no end...and this is me being really nit that no matter what my character was wearing she still looked like she had lip gloss on the whole time...this also included my male characters. It drove me crazy!! Like they had just drank a bunch of water and their lips were always wet. When I pointed it out to my hubby...when he was playing through...he was like dang...I didn't notice it before but now it's all I notice and it's annoying haha. But again that's just me being picky. The game is beautiful
Character Creation
So like many role playing games, you get to create a Character to play. You can make one that resembles you or make something totally different. I also tend to make characters with red hair lol. But I digress. I am VERY picky about character creation screens. I am long time role player so I demand a lot of choices when making my characters. I could spend an hour making my character just right and Dragon Age didn't disappoint. Depending upon the race you choose to play there are choices in just about everything...ranging from skin tone to what type of horns you want. My only wish is that there were more hair styles as I didn't particularly like the ones I could choose from...but that's just me.
Game play
So once you make character the real fun begins. You start your journey into the story....which is amazing. BioWare has amazing talent for story writing. They continually get people deep into games with the story alone. You even get attached to characters.
I'm going to do my best here with giving just a very simple overview of how the game works without giving away any story. Just take my word for it that the story rocks.
You accept quests, like in most role playing games, and you can select party members you want to go with you. You can make some of them healers, tanks whatever. I think we all have the favorite characters we like to bring with us...some are better than others.
You then set off. As you kill things you level up. You can search nearly everything for loot so you can get new gear, potions etc. I spend hours picking plants haha. Always the herbalist.
Killing Rifts in the game is a must but you also can kill dragons. And there is a certain number of them....if you kill them all you can get a achieve :)
There are of course side quests to the main story line but also choices you make through out the way affect the story. So the game does have a fairly high reply value. You can always play through as a mage the first time and then a tank the second etc.
I'm a person that needs to find everything so I take my time trying to complete everything ...side quests included. Also...playing the game on Hard or higher makes it more fun :)
I do feel that the controls at times are a bit clunky. I play it on the xbox one so I can't speak for the other platforms. They aren't as smooth as I would like but again that's a personal preference.
I know I'm leaving out tons of stuff but again..I don't want to ruin it for those who are interested in playing it.
Yes...there is a multiplayer version of the game. It's very simple where you pick a character and play through a level with 3 other people. You level up like you do in the game and playing the multiplayer has no affect on your actual game. The multiplayer reminds me...and I'm dating myself here...but a simple version of Champions of Norrath. (Which I loved ) However the multiplayer isn't fun unless you're playing with friends. I find I like the regular game better. But again...personal preference.
Amazing game with an amazing story. Fantasy based game with spells, magic, etc. Beautiful looking game and smooth for the most part.
Marajades score: 9/10
Ps: if you don't like fantasy type games with dragons and stuff...might I suggest you play Mass Effect. Another of Bioware's games but Sci fi based. And it's amazing!