Me: Knock Knock
Person: Who's there?
Me: Banana
Person: Banana who?
Me: Knock knock
Person: Who's there?!
Me: Banana
Person: Banana who?
Me: Kn ock knock
Person: Whos there?!!!!
Me: Banana
Person: Banana who?!!
Me: Knock Knock
Person: WHOS THERE?!
Me: Orange
Person: Orange who?
Me: Orange you glad I didn't say banana? :)
Hahaha.... Hey SG...this weeks blog homework is tell you our favorite lame jokes. That first one is one of my favs lol. I giggle everytime. But I'd have to say my all time favorite is my muffin goes...
There are two muffins in an oven. One muffin turns to the other and says "Is it getting hot in here?!" The other turns to the one and says "HOLY SHIT A TALKING MUFFIN!!"
har har har
I also love "How do you make a tissue dance?".....Put a little boogie in it!! *snickers*
I suppose I should also catch up on last weeks homework as well...while I'm on a roll lol. It was tell you the top 5 songs I could listen to over and over. I could go on and say things like "When the Levy breaks" by Led Zepplin or "Santeria" by Sublime....there are so many songs. However I'm going to tell you about the ones that really spark an emotional response. They will probably make me look more like a dweeb than I already am lol but here it goes!!
The first is "Forbidden Friendship" from the How to Train your Dragon soundtrack. It's the way the notes flow together...the song is just beautiful. It also is an amazing part of the movie where Hiccup gets to touch Toothless for the first time.
The second is "Brothers" from FullMetal Alchemist. The song holds a special place in my heart.
The third is also from FullMetal Alchemist. It was the first dance song at my wedding. My husband and I have an attachment to this song. It's a gorgeous song and so relaxing. Plus I can see my hubbys smile everytime I listen to it.
And moving on to something a bit different. "The Funeral" by Band of Horses. This song ironically enough is a song I've chosen to be played at mine...wherever that time comes. The lyrics are meaningful and the song is just one of those songs that hit you in the heart.
And lastly....a song from my Irish folk :) Flogging Molly's "If I ever leave this world alive"
If you haven't heard any of those, give them a listen and let me know what you think!! I'm always curious to know how music affects other people.
I suppose I can leave you guys with a joke :)
What do you call a Sith that won't fight?
A sithy! har har har
Here are some photos from my laptop.....sorry the quality is crappy. Happy sundies, have a great day!!
Blog homework topic brought to you by @lyxzen @missy and @rambo