Hey there SG!
So the blog homework for this week is all about Valentines day. What's the worst you've had or the best you've had? Have a few stories for you lol
I tend to avoid valentine's day because it never works out how I want it to. I'm either with a guy who forgets about it entirely or a guy who just doesn't care.
I've had a few horrible valentine's. One guy took me out to and then left me at the restaurant after having to "take a call" outside. I ended having pay the bill which was over 100$!! And most of that was from his food!! I found out later he told his friends that I wasn't "trophy wife" status enough and too independent lol WTF?!! We never spoke again but I did see him a few years later and he looked horrible and miserable...so better for me!
Back in high school my high school boyfriend took me out...only to also invite his OTHER girlfriend. He said he wanted us to meet...neither one of us were aware of the other. He wanted us to meet so we could all have a threesome. Needless to say the other girl and I ended up spending valentine's day together going to the movies and dumping him. She became my best friend for a few years.
Now, let's skip ahead to 2 years ago...I am with my now husband. A guy who...let's just give him some background. He grew up in east LA. He was nearly shot and killed everyday. He had to be the "tough guy" to stay alive. He eventually was able to get out and move away. He was a player, a ladies man , a guy who always told his family "no girl could ever tame this or tie me down!" He's a huge nerd but never liked to tell anyone because of fear of what others might think (again, plays the tough guy). He's not romantic...and that's ok...he just doesn't know how to be. We've been together 5 years. The first 3 years nothing was given on valentine's day...he'd say happy valentine's and we'd go to dinner but no cards or candy...and that was ok because he remembered at least. But 2 years ago...I picked him up from work. Now mind you..he doesn't drive to work because we have one car so he either takes a the 2 hour bus ride or I drive him and pick him up when I'm not working. Ok so...back to me picking him up...he walked out of work with this gigantic teddy bear and a card. My eyes actually teared up. He had walked to the store 2 blocks away to get those things on his break...didn't even eat lunch...just so he could surprise me. He was so sweet. Mr tough guy had a soft spot ;) And then 2 years later he asked me to marry him. And we play video games together, watch anime, play silly table top games...nerds together.
I hope you all have a good valentine's day. I'll be blowing up my instagram all week with valentine's day lingerie...like the pictures I've attached.
The bear I told you about is also in the pictures below.
Blog homework brought to you by @lyxzen @missy @charmaine