So this weeks blog homework from @charmaine and @lyxzen is for us to give you all a guide on using Emojis. So um....lets begin!!
I'll be honest....I don't use the Emojis too often...because well...I like my symbol ones haha. I guess that's me being stubborn and refusing to let go of my PC gaming roots lol. Let me give you a few examples
^.^ = I'm super happy...Yipee!
>.< = DOH!!
O.o = WTF is up with that!? or Wow...just wow.
O.O = Holy crap!
>:) = muwhahahaha!
I've been PC gaming since I can remember and this is where the "Emoji" started. We used these symbols including the simple ":)" long before texting haha. Even now MMOs still rely on using those "Emojis" since most games don't have mods where you can send an actual smiley or smiley with heart eyes etc.
When it comes to texting I tend to use a lot of the Emojis that msot people don't use lol. I think it's more for the "shock" value than anything. Most people aren't expecting a piece of poop in response to "Hey do you want to hang out?" Lol. But people who know me, know they don't mean anything. In fact, I've been using the poop one more lately because of the term "Bae". I'm sorry, I can not stand that word. It also means poop in when someone says "My favorite bae". I just send them the poop emoji and tell them "Aw, I'm your favorite poop". Eventually they stop calling me that ^.^
If you don't know what the poop emoji looks it is...
Lol....I mean, it just makes me laugh looking it. A few others I randomly use are these....just because....
But no Emoji can top this.....
(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<) --- KIRBY DANCE!!!!
Current set - Sweater Weather