Hey you..*points* yea you!! Don't turn around...I'm talking to you!! What kind of SGer are you?! I like to pose this question to all the members.
After browsing the site for years and years, you come to realize something. You realize that even though we are all from different countries, backgrounds, whatever it is....that we all tend to have the same browsing habits when it comes to SG. I've noticed I can even put us into categories. (Keep in mind these are just for fun and what I've noticed.) If you wish to add to my list...then by all means!! Lets begin!
The All-star member
These are those members you see everywhere. They post on sets. They post in groups. They post on blogs. They are well known in the SG community. They support numerous girls as well as members. They even blog themselves...sharing bits and pieces of their lives with us. They are kind, rarely say anything nasty to the girls or other members. Most of those folks are group owners and moderators. These are the members whether they have been here since 2005 or 2015....you know them and they know you.
The photography buff
This person does not participate in any groups. They, most of the time, aren't even in any. They are here strictly for the photo sets. They will comment and like the photo sets of all the girls but never go anywhere else. The community does not exist for them....just the sets. The comments they post may vary from actual photography comments(The lighting in this set is phenomenal, I love the way it bounces off the window onto your skin) to the down right nasty (You have a sweet pussy for my dick to be in). You'll never see them anywhere else. There is a chance you'll see them in a photo based group like "Ass appreciation" but they only "like" photos, never comment.
The Lurker
This is the person who is in a lot of groups and likes a lot of comments but never actually comments on anything themselves. They know everything about everyone but you know very little about them. They don't blog, they don't say much of anything...they are just there....lurking in the background. They enjoy reading the site more than interacting on it.
The SG "Reality Star"
These are those people who act like they are on reality TV. They think everyone wants to know their opinion. In fact...they won't post in a group or anywhere unless it's to correct someone, tell someone off, share their opinion in a debate or just create drama. Just like how reality stars feed off drama, so do they. They feel good when they can tell others that those people did something wrong, or they can share their opposing opinion on a heated discussion. They have no issues calling others names or making others feel bad....as long as they have the spot light.
The group buff
Much like the photography buff, this person is here for one thing.....and that's community. This person rarely looks at the sets but will spend all day in groups commenting and having conversations on their favorite subjects. You'll know them but you'll never see them post anywhere else but groups. They are part of numerous groups (pretty much all of them) and will have posted within the last 24 hours in a least half of them.
The Mediator
This is the person who will take a hijacked thread and put it back on track. They try to settle down any arguments or nerves ....which pretty much got heated because of the "reality star". These folks are part of some groups and only post when they feel they have to.
The Browser
Much like the lurker, these people will browse the site for hours reading and looking at everything. Unlike the lurker, they do post when they feel they can share an opinion or idea on a topic. They read blogs, look at sets and groups....and only comment when necessary. They know a lot about the site....just choose not to share it all the time.
Did I miss any? Which one are you?! Or do you have a different one that you can share?
Current set - Sweater Weather