*whispers* Hey you....yea you! Don't look behind your shoulder...I'm talking to you. Want to know a little secret about me that most people don't know? ...I play piano. wasn't as exciting as you were expecting.
But I do, I play piano. I have been playing since I was 4. I adore playing the piano among other instruments. I consider myself a female Mozart....mostly because he's my favorite to play. There is nothing more soothing than his music when it comes to classical. I don't tell alot of people because the first thing they say is "Hey, play me something". And anyone of you who have been following me, know I wouldn't play in front of having the social anxiety and all.
Fact: Listening to Mozart 10-20 mins before a text will make you score at LEAST 10 points higher than if you hadn't listened to him. Music makes people smarter. Mozart and a few other composers' music have a way of stimulating our brain in ways other music can not. It's the way the notes are played and the order in which they are played.
I like to wake up and play a few songs before I start my day. I feel it helps me get my day going...especially if I'm feeling depressed or anxious. It's a nice way to release tension.
It is very sad that the schools here in America are taking away the music classes, as well as art. Literally the two things that have been proven to make kids smarter. They are replacing these two things with more sports and more computer we really need more computer classes? Our society already lives on the computers and phones as it is...
I am a bit of a music snob however.....and this will make me sound like a grandma I'm sure but todays music is just awful. And mind you, there are some good bands out there but most of it is just complete seems anyone can make music nowadays. When I was growing up and even before that...the music was poetry. There was a lot of thought in the lyrics and people actually played instruments well. Even the old school hip hop had a lot of meaning behind the wasn't just "Bitch" "Hoe""Mother fucker"....
Now, some of you may sit there and say "How can you complain about todays music when your favorite band is can you even consider that music?" And I say to them...have you listened to the lyrics? Because if you haven't, I suggest you do. There is some crazy poetry going on behind all that yelling and "noise". Plus that band helped me through a dark time in High School....they prevented me from doing horrid things to myself. Listening to them was a way to get my anger out without being destructive to myself or others. So my love for them goes deeper than just a band. I could even say they saved my life.
Now, they aren't my only favorite band...some of my top bands are Slipknot, System of a Down, Deftones, Sublime, The Dirty Heads, Nine Inch Nails, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash.. the list goes on. I like a lot of different genres from a lot of different decades...I appreciate all sorts of music (Except country, I'm sorry but I just can't stand it. )
Honestly I think me playing instruments has broadened my horizons when it comes to music. I was "forced" to pick an instrument to play when I was 4 and I don't regret it all. I will do the same thing with my children if I even have any. As much as they may hate it....I'm glad I can play.
How about you guys? Do you guys play any instruments? What music do you like? How do you feel about music in general?
Current set in MR is - Revery