Hey SG,
I took a couple day break from SG after my last blog, which I appreciate all the comments on and even the private messages I received. I am sorry I have not yet responded to the them....but I am not yet ready to discuss my depression in depth with others face to face (or monitor to monitor) But to all those who left words of encouragement and even just liking the blog, I want to say Thank you. While there are no words that will take away the pain and anguish, it is nice to know that even strangers do care and did listen to my words. It is something that I am still struggling with but am attempting to deal with.
With that said, yesterday I spent the day shooting another self shot set for SG. Doing this type of "art" helps me relax. This set is completely different than my last self shot set. The new one is VERY personal, as it was shot in my room.....yes my real room in my real house...not a hotel or a friends house. It was a rainy day in the desert and I was cuddle up on the bed reading my Marvel Encyclopedia and figured I'd shoot a set of me doing just that. I love doing self shot stuff because I really feel I can make the sets more personal, plus I am super comfortable being who I am....I feel like you get to see the real me....not that my sets shot by others aren't me....but I don't know.....I just feel like I can be more myself when I'm alone.
As most of you know, I don't use photoshop. I'll use GIMP to adjust some lighting here or there but that's about it. Since shooting my last set, I was diagnosed with Vitiligo, a skin disease in where my body is attacking my skin pigment, literally stripping it away leaving huge white patches everywhere. My new set coming out this August, it will be visible just a bit....it was before it spread very far. In my self shot set....you'll see it in it's full glory. I will not edit it out as it is now a part of me. Having an auto immune disease (MS) causes Vitiligo. And while I am self conscience about it, I am not ashamed of it. I am already pale and now I have even paler patches.
I would like to share some of the "Reject" photos with you. I won't share them all as I will share some over the course of the week or so. These are the photos that didn't make it into the set. Not that I think they are bad photos, but of course out of 400 photos...only about 45 are chosen, leaving some good photos left out. I know my photography isn't perfect, I know I don't follow basic rules sometimes....but I feel that makes for more of an interesting shot. I prefer all natural and raw stuff than photoshopped stuff. I like oddly cropped photos, interesting angles and out of the ordinary poses....You guys can let me know what you think.
The name of the set will be "A Marvelous Rainy Day". Get it? Har Har....I crack myself up. The set hasn't been turned in yet, I'm hoping it will get accepted once I do turn it in since it's still very "raw"....but we shall see!
Remember, this are NOT photos in the set....but the ones shot the same day and not being used. The photos in the set will be similar to the lighting and such but still different.
I love using natural lighting to capture natural skin tones....even with it being cloudy outside....the lighting I think looks nice.
I enjoy using different angles to capture different body parts...I love bums and backs....
I like to keep variety in self shot sets also...too much of the same thing can get boring.
Did I mention I LOVE natural light and windowing lighting?!
Always gotta have a variety of sitting, standing and laying down poses.
I just love this last shot....I don't even know because my body shape isn't perfect or anything and the shadows are weird but there's something about it that I just like. Like a touch from Odin.
What do you guys think? Does the set look promising with these being the "reject" photos or should I just stick to my day job? haha
Mara - Current set in MR
PS: My new set is to be released in 3 days!! Aug 25th around 5pm PST. Keep a look out!