Yay!!! I got a new rat!
he needs a name. I need suggestions. I was thinkingof calling him Arioch, but he'll probably end up being named after a food product.
This is the story in progress. If you don't add to it, I will feel very sad, and so will the little rat. (perhaps I should call him Suicide Rat. He can be the mascot.)
If you haven't read the other stories, read my previous journal entries.
And this one time at gothcamp there was this tall kid who wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to get on the bus for bible camp but he followed the wrong group of kids wearing black....."
"He climbed into the big purple converted herse and sat down next to a pretty little girl in a black tutu and fishnet shirt. 'Excuse me, ma'am? Where is this bus headed?' He asked. 'I'm a boy!' the tutu-clad kindergoth pronounced. 'and we're going to...'"
"....Camp Cadavier! By the Moon you're awfully tan!"
"I spent this summer at the beach in the sun..."
"Sun? What is this Sun you speak of? Nevermind, You must forget it for there is no light where we are going!" "Yea about that....I'm not supposed to be here. I'm going to bible camp! I Guess I got on
the wrong bus." "Woe, is life! Woe! Such sadness that fate has ripped you from the precious womb that
you call bible camp.Woe!" "Why do you talk like that? And dress like that for that matter?"
"'Oh, uh. cos of woe and doom and stuff! Yeah, that's it. What are those blue pants you are wearing?'"
"My mom bought them for me.... I think they're neat!"
The boy, known among few as Gothling Tutu-butt, reached out and touched the blue pants hesitantly. "Is this...denim?" "Yes, um, jeans." Gothling Tutu-butt looked up with liner-rimmed eyes and said, "Great Ankh! I've heard of...jeans. Ravers wear them."
"Did you say auk? This bus isn't going anywhere near the auk, is it?" "No, relax. I said ankh. We're going...."
"to the place where the sky weeps and sunshine fairies fear to tread. We're going to the place where the Wild Things are."
"They drove and drove until nightfall, for you can not enter gothcamp when the sun shines overhead. They came upon a large wrought iron gate with creepy shapes and spikes on top. A sign proclaimed..."
"beware of falling tomatoes. The bus stopped and the doors swung open. As the passengers slowly shuffled out of the bus there was a bright flash of light..."
The displaced church-camp boy gasped and shielded his eyes. "He, he, sorry about that," said Gothling Tutu-butt. The boy looked, cautiously, and found
that the bright, nearly blinding light was nothing more than the reflection of the hundreds of wax-dripping candles set up around the arrival arena, reflections off of silver Celtic cross amulets, lip-peircings, polished latex and the sheet-white faces of a writhing mob of
the Children of the Night. "Whoa," sais the boy, "talk about your waxy build-up." "Hey, look!" Exclaimed Gothling Tutu-butt. "It's...."
"...Our camp counselor, Vincent Price!" "Mmmmm Hello Children! Yes....Welcome to my camp of horrendous horrors..mmmm....Come with me my dark little princes and princess'. The night beckons us, muahaha." The Gothic children exited the bus and followed the strange tall man. They were provided
with long velvet cloacks to sheild them from the icey night. Bible Boy followed closley behing the boy wearing a tutu, fearful of what would befall him if he were to wander astray. The world around him was dark, very dark, pretenous dark. He could barely make
out the shadowy figures in front of him until...."
"they entered a crypt full of flickering candles. 'Mmm...unpack your bags...mmm...here,
you will stay the night.' He left with the aid of a well-placed cloud of blue smoke. They looked around. Coffins laid in rows against the wall. "Where do we sleep?"

he needs a name. I need suggestions. I was thinkingof calling him Arioch, but he'll probably end up being named after a food product.
This is the story in progress. If you don't add to it, I will feel very sad, and so will the little rat. (perhaps I should call him Suicide Rat. He can be the mascot.)
If you haven't read the other stories, read my previous journal entries.
And this one time at gothcamp there was this tall kid who wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to get on the bus for bible camp but he followed the wrong group of kids wearing black....."
"He climbed into the big purple converted herse and sat down next to a pretty little girl in a black tutu and fishnet shirt. 'Excuse me, ma'am? Where is this bus headed?' He asked. 'I'm a boy!' the tutu-clad kindergoth pronounced. 'and we're going to...'"
"....Camp Cadavier! By the Moon you're awfully tan!"
"I spent this summer at the beach in the sun..."
"Sun? What is this Sun you speak of? Nevermind, You must forget it for there is no light where we are going!" "Yea about that....I'm not supposed to be here. I'm going to bible camp! I Guess I got on
the wrong bus." "Woe, is life! Woe! Such sadness that fate has ripped you from the precious womb that
you call bible camp.Woe!" "Why do you talk like that? And dress like that for that matter?"
"'Oh, uh. cos of woe and doom and stuff! Yeah, that's it. What are those blue pants you are wearing?'"
"My mom bought them for me.... I think they're neat!"
The boy, known among few as Gothling Tutu-butt, reached out and touched the blue pants hesitantly. "Is this...denim?" "Yes, um, jeans." Gothling Tutu-butt looked up with liner-rimmed eyes and said, "Great Ankh! I've heard of...jeans. Ravers wear them."
"Did you say auk? This bus isn't going anywhere near the auk, is it?" "No, relax. I said ankh. We're going...."
"to the place where the sky weeps and sunshine fairies fear to tread. We're going to the place where the Wild Things are."
"They drove and drove until nightfall, for you can not enter gothcamp when the sun shines overhead. They came upon a large wrought iron gate with creepy shapes and spikes on top. A sign proclaimed..."
"beware of falling tomatoes. The bus stopped and the doors swung open. As the passengers slowly shuffled out of the bus there was a bright flash of light..."
The displaced church-camp boy gasped and shielded his eyes. "He, he, sorry about that," said Gothling Tutu-butt. The boy looked, cautiously, and found
that the bright, nearly blinding light was nothing more than the reflection of the hundreds of wax-dripping candles set up around the arrival arena, reflections off of silver Celtic cross amulets, lip-peircings, polished latex and the sheet-white faces of a writhing mob of
the Children of the Night. "Whoa," sais the boy, "talk about your waxy build-up." "Hey, look!" Exclaimed Gothling Tutu-butt. "It's...."
"...Our camp counselor, Vincent Price!" "Mmmmm Hello Children! Yes....Welcome to my camp of horrendous horrors..mmmm....Come with me my dark little princes and princess'. The night beckons us, muahaha." The Gothic children exited the bus and followed the strange tall man. They were provided
with long velvet cloacks to sheild them from the icey night. Bible Boy followed closley behing the boy wearing a tutu, fearful of what would befall him if he were to wander astray. The world around him was dark, very dark, pretenous dark. He could barely make
out the shadowy figures in front of him until...."
"they entered a crypt full of flickering candles. 'Mmm...unpack your bags...mmm...here,
you will stay the night.' He left with the aid of a well-placed cloud of blue smoke. They looked around. Coffins laid in rows against the wall. "Where do we sleep?"
Wait for it....
got ya!