I think I've become a complete loser, but I don't care because I'm having too much fun. I recently moved into a killer house with a girlfriend of mine and it's been really cool so far. I have so much space and pretty soon we're going to get a hot tub. I've grown really sick of my job so I put in my notice and now I'm looking for something new. I had this job for four years so I'm a little nervous but I need the change. I've been out and about so much lately that I've neglected my school work and was finally forced to drop all of my classes (that's why I'm a loser). I'm looking forward to the extra free time though. I was supposed to go see Against Me! tonight but that fell through so now I'm sitting at my house staring at this computer screen. Anywho, I must be going now. talk you y'all soon. Mara.
hi mara, i just popped along from the alkaline trio group to say "hello!"...
so..er...hello and stuff!
love your shoulder tatt btw!
good luck with your "stuff" up there...