Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this thing I've been super busy. Yep, pretty much right now I hate my life. Finals are approaching and I have about a million things to get done including a 6000 word term paper on gay marriage which is interesting but a lot of work. Let's see, what's new? Oh! I got my hair cut last week. I had about 14 inches cut off (which I donated) and so now it's right below my chin and very cute but I do miss my long hair. I just bought my warped tour tickets so I'm totally stoked for that. Other than that I'm really broke so I can't do much fun stuff to talk about. I'll start updating my journal more frequently and I'll try to have more interesting things to say. Toodles, Mara
can't wait to see your set go up.

wow... now thats a long term paper. how many pages is that? can we have new pics of your haircut? that might be very exciteing? maybe thats just a round about way of asking for more pictures of you!