I've been so fucking busy the last few weeks I'm going insane! On top of working and going to school I decided to take on putting on an event. I've been really inspired lately to get people aware of the importance of voting and taking a stand so I decided to do something about it. At my college I'm putting on a "vote fest" type thing. I'm running the whole thing as well as performing and being the MC. It's going to be an all day event with bands, speakers, booths, sponsors, the works. I'm very stoked about it. I want it to be an open forum for people of all opinions and affiliations to be heard and get informed (besides if I made it completely anti-Bush I don't think my school would allow it). I just hope that I'm not in over my head and that I actually get a lot of people to come to this thing, it's free so who knows I might get a shit load. Anyways that's all I have right now, I may keep you posted on when it is but then again I may keep it private.
Ta ta for now. Mara

I'd call MoveOn for a booth and make sure you have voter registration and lots of Kerry/support our troops/end the war-lies/dump bush bumperstickers.
Anyways...good luck