So I go over to my friends house today to hang out, only it wasn't really hanging out because he was on the computer the whole damn time looking at a stupid site. I was pissed because I really wanted to go do something fun but then he showed it to me and now I'm hooked, damn him. It's called, it's sort of a...
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anything involving breasts is bound to be addictive, dont feel bad about it.
can't wait for your set!

some of my art
Horay, school is almost out for the quarter and I'm very excited for a break. I think I might go down to LA for about a week for a little vacation. My mom lives there as well as my best friend ever so it would be fun. Last night rented Club Dred (from the makers of Super Troopers), it was awesome. Tons of good one-liners...
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Club Dred huh...
I'll have to check that one out.
A vacation? Sounds fun!!
New blond hair?
Sounds HOT!
I'll have to check that one out.
A vacation? Sounds fun!!
New blond hair?
Sounds HOT!
LA lucky you! I've been wanting to head south for a long long time. fortunately the weather is getting better and i won't have to go anywhere to get some sun.
have fun!
have fun!
Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this thing I've been super busy. Yep, pretty much right now I hate my life. Finals are approaching and I have about a million things to get done including a 6000 word term paper on gay marriage which is interesting but a lot of work. Let's see, what's new? Oh! I got my hair cut last week....
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can't wait to see your set go up.

wow... now thats a long term paper. how many pages is that? can we have new pics of your haircut? that might be very exciteing? maybe thats just a round about way of asking for more pictures of you! 

Okay folks, I've just added a few more pictures in my folder by request. Enjoy.
damn cutie, i can't wait for your set to go up
Hey girl! i'm just checking in on you. we never hear much from you. i'd love to hear about your life
hope youre doing well! i'm excited waiting for your set.... yay you!

Happy Mom's Day to all. Did anyone do anything nice for their mother's today? I made a couple stuffed teddy bears for my mom and grandma. I think they're pretty damn cute.
I'm from a pretty small hick town originally and I'm here visiting the folks. So last night we went and watched the local sprint car races and drank a whole lot of beer....
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I'm from a pretty small hick town originally and I'm here visiting the folks. So last night we went and watched the local sprint car races and drank a whole lot of beer....
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That's a great pic. Why didn't you send it in?
i get to see one picture of you! *swoons* oh i cant wait!
I'm super tired tonight. I had to stay up to watch south park and monty python (because they kick ass) and update my journal. This site is turning me into a total computer nerd.
So I'm thinking about getting a new tattoo tomorrow. I'm not sure what I want to get so I'll probably just pick some random thing out when I get there, after...
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So I'm thinking about getting a new tattoo tomorrow. I'm not sure what I want to get so I'll probably just pick some random thing out when I get there, after...
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shots of me for you to see
I've been so fucking busy the last few weeks I'm going insane! On top of working and going to school I decided to take on putting on an event. I've been really inspired lately to get people aware of the importance of voting and taking a stand so I decided to do something about it. At my college I'm putting on a "vote fest" type...
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*waits patiently for your set*
Nice work on the Vote Fest...I want to put together a Regime Change Tour...get all these millionaire musicians to put their money where there mouth is, so to speak...Make sure you schedule the best liberal speakers and the most outrageous, incomprehensible fascists you can find to represent Bush
. Then you have faux balance and fairness ala Fox News
I'd call MoveOn for a booth and make sure you have voter registration and lots of Kerry/support our troops/end the war-lies/dump bush bumperstickers.
Anyways...good luck

I'd call MoveOn for a booth and make sure you have voter registration and lots of Kerry/support our troops/end the war-lies/dump bush bumperstickers.
Anyways...good luck

Well, well, well so I'm finally a Suicide Girl. I think I screamed when I first found out. This is pretty exciting for me, I guess I don't many daring things. I suppose I let my wild side out in my painting and in my Corona. But why the hell not make life a little more interesting! I guess that's it for now, I'll probably...
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Welcome to the site!
I know what you mean about doing something daring
I'm a very shy person and none of my friends believe me when I tell them that I'm on the site until I show them the pictures. Hmm but maybe that's just a trick to make me show them? 

I've been so fucking busy the last few weeks I'm going insane! On top of working and going to school I decided to take on putting on an event. I've been really inspired lately to get people aware of the importance of voting and taking a stand so I decided to do something about it. At my college I'm putting on a "vote fest" type thing. I'm running the whole thing as well as performing and being the MC. It's going to be an all day event with bands, speakers, booths, sponsors, the works. I'm very stoked about it. I want it to be an open forum for people of all opinions and affiliations to be heard and get informed (besides if I made it completely anti-Bush I don't think my school would allow it). I just hope that I'm not in over my head and that I actually get a lot of people to come to this thing, it's free so who knows I might get a shit load. Anyways that's all I have right now, I may keep you posted on when it is but then again I may keep it private.
Ta ta for now. Mara