I think I may be a mutant from outerspace.
But I doubt it.

More on this subject later.
Lets see....

I told my Ex from 2 years ago I still loved her. She said "I know" I felt like I got shot in the face.

So I tried to play it out. "As I friend and a therapist". Lmfao I'm so lame.

I was embarassed to chills.
My brother got Fired from Old Glory at the Mall of Georiga, The store closed down.

He is hitting up the ATL game.

I had a date today with my good friend for a long time, and I could have had a better time If she would have got off the phone, and actually cared enough to sleep the night before. Stoners piss me off....
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Today was shitty, I passed out at work today from Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion.

I got carried home and slept, 4 hours later I'm still burning alive, Headache, Dry mouthed, and Sore.

My arms and legs and feet are burnt pretty bad too.

I hope it doesnt scar. If it does, it better look cool.
Short day at work, but not much sleep.

I fixxed up my old guitar.

Its a Gibson Les Paul, spray painted red, with tore out hardware and replaced.

Now it has only 1 nob, and room for booster switch, 1 heavy green distortion pick up (Seymour Duncan).

Its absolutely terrible looking. (I love it)

Now when people ask me what model I'll be all "Gibson...
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hmmm... sounds like it kinda hurt
Tonight I'll be in Downtown Athens Hitting up Tastey world for a shot of Indie Rock with a Southern Roll. Rhabdophobic!
Doug, Chelsea, and David finnally found a new Rythm Guitarist and its gonna be the fucking shit. They called last night asking for a header and I wasn't able to supply them one so hopefully they'll get one for the show. He mentioned a...
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hahahahahaha why did that happen?
Today was great.

I woke up around eight in the A.M. Took a nice shave and shower and headed on down to Lawerenceville to the Guitar Center to harass Dillian, Mike, and Mag. I suceed in annoying Dillian, with him looking like Jesus on Crack, or a Homeless Man. I fiddled with the Line 6 Floor Pedals on some guitars. I really enjoy the weight...
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