well I think I already speak a lot of my dog, I am going to talk about my chickens,
hahaha, I have a mini garden with a marijuana plant, not for smoking, only ornamental and medicinal, because I don't use drugs, and last week left the door open of the garden. and the chickens came in, I guess they spent a very good day because they ate almost the whole plant, leaving only the stalk close to the land of the pot, and ate some tomatoes, then left. when I go and see there was no floor, I was not angry, they are only chickens, but if they passed it good that day.

si estoy muy feliz por eso
, espero que todo me salga muy bien, que bueno tenerte por aca

holaaaaa!!!!! pues ojala te crezcan bastante las plantas ornamentales, en manos mas no pelecharan mucho!!