I'm back! I know what you're all thinking - where have you been? (Gosh I'm arrogant aren't I?). Time for some updatalage (I know, I know, that's not a real word!). So, here we go:
Anywho, I figured that you'd want an update of what's going on in my life (at least, if you're interested - or bored like I am at 10 till 4 in the morning).
Firstly, my adventures up north have given me some food for thought. Accepting your in-laws is not a simple task -although, it is not a requirement of your engagement to your lover. The only person's thoughts and opinions that matter are yourself and that significant other - that's it. Regarding B&J; why do conservative republicans attempt to look down at everyone else? Technically, I would be a supposed third-party libertarian (a person in agreement with arguments from both each opposing major political party). However, for voting reasons - so that I'm able to vote in the primaries, I am a liberal democrat. Anyways (sorry for the immediate tangent); these two individuals think that being a Muslim automatically makes you a terrorist (i.e; Obama). The being non-straight is awful (that we don't deserve the equal rights of straights); and even though I AM in a heteronormative relationship - that doesn't make me any less Pansexual (if you want to know more about that, leave comments or a note - and I'll return, please don't assume). More specifically, NJ's uncle J thought that it was his "moment" when he walked in upon two homosexual males having sex (in broad daylight - which yes, is deviant behavior) - this "moment" would have consisted of "beating the two queers", was ruined when the two men were spotted and shouted at (causing them to leave).
Do we honestly still live in such a sad, ignorant, uneducated world? We live in AMERICA - with innumerable opportunities to learn about one another (we are a melting pot, after all); yet we stick to degrading assumptions and bad political ideals. [Insert Grumbling].
While in AT,OH my pet hamster "Thor" left us - in other words, died. We buried him, illegally, in the graveyard down the street (although, there was no way in hell I would bury him in B&J's yard). NJ & I said our goodbyes and cried our eyes out - even after being told by J that we were ridiculous for being this upset over, "a stupid mouse". I will never apologize for having such a strong emotional connection with my pets (no matter how big or small).
In other pet news, our cat "Delirium", was declawed - which, before people descend to verbally attack me about the pains of declawing; let me make it clear - I am OPPOSED to declawing. Unfortunately, there were far too many benefitial outcomes to this short-winded procedure. Currently, I am a very worried Mum - and want him to make a very fast recovery, he's been bleeding a little and having issues using his temporary litter box. Wish him the best, okay?
Nextly, mi familia is visiting (they'll arrive tonight), and be spending the week - I'm really looking forward to it. However, this means a lot of cleaning, Febreeze-ing, and etc. They live over 14 hours away (by car ride), so I'm really appreciative of their taking a vacation to come see me. They always spoil NJ and I - haha, I'm the favorite as mi abuelo says. (No, I'm not of hispanic heritage - I just speak spanish, along with Italian, and a little french & german). They get to meet our puppy, "Darwin", as well as the other half of NJ's family.
Speaking of NJ, we're currently apart (not broken up)- meaning that he's staying with B&J for work/money-making purposes. I miss him like crazy right now, and could really go for some super-snuggles.
On top of that, I dyed my hair!
I'm now a blackish-pepsi~cola color. Here's the proof: PICTURE!
P.S. I take topless shots with my "photobooth" program for my Mac (<3), apparently.
I really want to take another set with a photographer - I'm just hunting one down, blah!
I'm back! I know what you're all thinking - where have you been? (Gosh I'm arrogant aren't I?). Time for some updatalage (I know, I know, that's not a real word!). So, here we go:
Anywho, I figured that you'd want an update of what's going on in my life (at least, if you're interested - or bored like I am at 10 till 4 in the morning).
Firstly, my adventures up north have given me some food for thought. Accepting your in-laws is not a simple task -although, it is not a requirement of your engagement to your lover. The only person's thoughts and opinions that matter are yourself and that significant other - that's it. Regarding B&J; why do conservative republicans attempt to look down at everyone else? Technically, I would be a supposed third-party libertarian (a person in agreement with arguments from both each opposing major political party). However, for voting reasons - so that I'm able to vote in the primaries, I am a liberal democrat. Anyways (sorry for the immediate tangent); these two individuals think that being a Muslim automatically makes you a terrorist (i.e; Obama). The being non-straight is awful (that we don't deserve the equal rights of straights); and even though I AM in a heteronormative relationship - that doesn't make me any less Pansexual (if you want to know more about that, leave comments or a note - and I'll return, please don't assume). More specifically, NJ's uncle J thought that it was his "moment" when he walked in upon two homosexual males having sex (in broad daylight - which yes, is deviant behavior) - this "moment" would have consisted of "beating the two queers", was ruined when the two men were spotted and shouted at (causing them to leave).
Do we honestly still live in such a sad, ignorant, uneducated world? We live in AMERICA - with innumerable opportunities to learn about one another (we are a melting pot, after all); yet we stick to degrading assumptions and bad political ideals. [Insert Grumbling].
While in AT,OH my pet hamster "Thor" left us - in other words, died. We buried him, illegally, in the graveyard down the street (although, there was no way in hell I would bury him in B&J's yard). NJ & I said our goodbyes and cried our eyes out - even after being told by J that we were ridiculous for being this upset over, "a stupid mouse". I will never apologize for having such a strong emotional connection with my pets (no matter how big or small).
In other pet news, our cat "Delirium", was declawed - which, before people descend to verbally attack me about the pains of declawing; let me make it clear - I am OPPOSED to declawing. Unfortunately, there were far too many benefitial outcomes to this short-winded procedure. Currently, I am a very worried Mum - and want him to make a very fast recovery, he's been bleeding a little and having issues using his temporary litter box. Wish him the best, okay?
Nextly, mi familia is visiting (they'll arrive tonight), and be spending the week - I'm really looking forward to it. However, this means a lot of cleaning, Febreeze-ing, and etc. They live over 14 hours away (by car ride), so I'm really appreciative of their taking a vacation to come see me. They always spoil NJ and I - haha, I'm the favorite as mi abuelo says. (No, I'm not of hispanic heritage - I just speak spanish, along with Italian, and a little french & german). They get to meet our puppy, "Darwin", as well as the other half of NJ's family.
Speaking of NJ, we're currently apart (not broken up)- meaning that he's staying with B&J for work/money-making purposes. I miss him like crazy right now, and could really go for some super-snuggles.
On top of that, I dyed my hair!

P.S. I take topless shots with my "photobooth" program for my Mac (<3), apparently.
I really want to take another set with a photographer - I'm just hunting one down, blah!
Inlaws suck thats why i dont have relationships