You guysssss, I gotta know who the Whovians are. I'm getting so excited for the 60th and I feel like I can't be the only one! The Doctor Donna.... come on, you know you loved that story arc! I know y'all are out there. I fell off after Capaldi and only watched a few episodes of Jodie, personally I couldn't get into it. How are we all feeling about NPH being in the 60th anniversary episodes?! 🤗
I'm pretty new around here, have there been any lovely ladies who have done cosplay you can tag?! I would love to see someone come up with a way to make a dalek sexy. Tag away! Doesn't necessarily have to be Who related, but bonus points if it is.
It feels like this is part of my personality coming back, getting excited over things I enjoy again. There is always light my friends. ✌️💚