Well, was able to finally talk with my, I guess it would be widowed, friend. He seems to be doing about as good as one could hope for.

I got an email from him last night, and spent most of the night writing my reply. I'm still gonna buy him a membership though, I'll just wait a little.

In other news, had a terrible fight...
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Feeling low. Got a call telling me one of my good friend's fiance died at 25. Haven't been able to get in touch with my friend. I didn't have any details, and was up late on the web looking for info.

Finally found the notice, and the memorial service is to start in 10 minutes, and I'm 6 hrs away from there.

I was planning...
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the camera has this setting called night mode, which makes the exposure longer, resulting in weird-ass light effects sometimes ... smile
i'ts a panasonic lumix 5.0 mp ... i waited in line at futureshop at 5am on boxing day for it! W:ERKJWE:LFKJL:EJW

yes, i'm a crazy motherfucker.
Had a quiet week-end... had some late nights working on music stuff, and been keeping up with the guitar practice. Wrote some lyrics, made some beats, and worked on some concepts.

I am currently working with a few guys on producing some hip-hop/rap type stuff. I don't much like new rap music, and am trying to co-create rap music as I would want to hear...
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hey, happy new year to you too!

my first friend... yay!

and look at you and all your new friends... nice! I guess you've been socializing a lot more than I have...

I am just wrapping up a project this week, and then I am hoping to have more time for myself.

haven't even hooked up that audio interface yet frown

chat soon!


too late - the monsters were chopped into pieces and squished not long after the photo shoot... wink

yeah, the whole journal thing - part lazy, part not feeling comfortable writing these days - about these days... it's just kinda blah. my birthday's coming up on Sunday, and I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I've been feeling pretty shit lately frown However, I am due for what should be a fun night out, so hopefully, that will get me out of the current rut I am in...

work is work, y'know... Last night, I finally wrapped up one boring-ass project, only to spend ALL bloody night designing a logo for an interior decorator with a real flair for real tasteless design (blah).. it's hard to get inspired sometime... plus the only concept I could come up with required hours of illustration, which was a pain in the ass...

ok, I am just bitching now. I must stop. smile

on to more pleasent topics -

music.... music music music... I've been writing a lot of jazz/blues influenced stuff, little bit of lounge, little bit of beebop, even some world influenced stuff... It can be quite diverse, actually... even hitting on some cabaret/chanson style tunes, then old R&B, motown type shit... I also have material from BL (Before Luke) which has been on the backburner for about 3 years now, so I want to get some of that crap done and out of the way so I can make room for new creations... Among that, I have tons of punk/hardcore/rockabilly songs that are just waiting to be used as well... But I haven't written anything like that in a while. Hmmm.. I think that about covers it.

BTW, In the past, I have played mostly music influenced by punk/surf/garage/rockabilly/rocknroll/hardcore. I was also involved in a lounge project with just me on vocals, accompanied by a stand-up base. Which was very VERY cool, but unfortunately, also very short-lived.

Either way, as soon as I actually get something down (recorded), you'll hear it - I promise smile And hopefully it'll happen in this lifetime...

Later wink

Well,, not much to say, cuz ain't not much been going on.

I did, however, buy the game "Katamari Damacy" for my PS2, reminding me of how much better life is with crazy Japanese imagination in it. This would have to be one of the moast bizarre games I have seen.

Been working on some new songs, as well as bringing some back to the...
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where is your wife's family from?
Got the day off today,,,, but gotta go back tomarrow.....

Planning on getting together with my music partners, and keep hammering away on a CD we are working on.

Discovered in the last week that I am pretty good on the guitar. I've played for maybe 5 years or so, and then all a sudden, I found out I am able to figure out almost...
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i totally dig your song man thanks for the link. my biggest problem is my voice, or at least i have insecurities about it. i am very interested in how people write their songs? lyrics first, music, first, ad libbing over a riff? what do you do?
worked a half day... at home now.... (my paranoid ass won't login to SG from the office).

Listening to some Robert Gordon right now, waiting for my sweetheart to come home from the mall.

Not sure where we'll be going tonight, and don't expect to be home before tomarrow afternoon.

My hope for the night is to 'do a little dance, make a little love,...
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evil chili man! i will not bend to your ways! ARR
I would kick Holgans ass!!!
First off. thanks to everyone for their comments......

Well, death toll going higher and higher. And, sure enough, a relative of the born-again persuasion already pin-pointed the cause of such a disaster: worhipping heathen God's. Well, it wasn't a matter of if, only of when...

Had to go to work today, and I didn't much like it. Have to go tomarrow, and I'm predicting I...
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i'm using a mackie a computer and a reel to reel to master.
the fender D'aquisto you see was only made for one year in 1984..very rare piece and after D'aquisto's death it shot up in price around 6,000$. i got it for 1500$
hopefully my custom electric will be done in a month or so.
then i'm building a jazz bass and baritone electric
chillies?? you crazy man!

link to the skate park: http://capitalpark.ca/main/

i'll have to try to remember some of my dreams for ya - i've been having some really fucked up ones lately!
Feel like an idiot, as I was eating on the cheap the last few days waiting for my payday this wednesday. Turns out, they paid me last friday (I suppose to help with Xmas expenses).
I really need to pay more attention.....

I suppose its good because I haven't blown it all yet,,,,

Been working on some new songs, as well as just practicing the...
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heh! No big deal. Most people think of the other kind of wrestling. I'm used to it!
aghahahaha your comment totally made me laugh: "Embrace your culture, ninjagrrrl!" hehehehe
I saw news last night at 1:40am central time (or whatever zone Ottawa is in), reporting an earthquake between Austrailia and Antartica. And because of some discovery channel show I saw last week, I wondered if there would be some tidal waves (the show was on a tidal wave caused by the eruption of Krakatoa (sp?) in the early 1900's).

Tidal waves are definately my...
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remind me to send you some picture of my first guitar that is in the process right now.
It it really tragic what happened frown
I deffinitly hope people realize it for what it is - a natural disaster caused by plate techtonics, not an angry devine being. It almost baffles me that this is even considered! (Among westerneres anyway... it'smore understandable in poorer countries where educationabout theses things is rare)

Thanks for the suggestion about the AI book.. I think I'll have a look for it... I want tolearn as much as I can in my courses, and AI is one thing I have little background with!
Changed my profile pic, cuz I needed something a little slicker. Why so greasy looking? it's the Brylcreem!
(man I love the smell of that stuff).

Hope everyone has a safe, happy holiday and new year,,,

BTW, I added a bunch of pics....
good stuff man. i appreciate it much.
Yea I'm really lucky to be getting work doing really interesting things... but I have a sneeking suspicion it's because as a student I can be payed much much less than everyone else. That's how i beat experienced programmers for job positions. When I'm out of school we'll see how lucky I am wink

Yes, I pretty much have to go out every day, even in freakishly cold weather, I never stay out long though, it's always rushing to the bus and thentomy (warm) desination. Where I promptly warm up with coffee tongue

The busses always suck for me too. Hmm, there must be SOMEONE around here who's getting all the good bus luck. *eyes others suspiciously*
Just last night some of my visiting friends from Toronto were commenting how we have such an amazing bus system here.... surreal surreal surreal