I've been called a slut since I was 14, so its a familiar, almost welcoming word to my ears. Men become shocked and often disgusted when they meet a woman who surpasses them in sluttiness and sexual prowess. Is it intimidation? That I can have nearly anyone I want of any age? That I won't become devoted to them? That I am not submissive to the sexual whims of one man? That I manipulate and use my sexuality to my own social and financial advantage? God forbid a woman be hornier than a man- it is too severe a threat to a males dominance. The anger it creates in men I meet is surprising and disturbing to me in so many ways. My frustration is so intense sometimes I can barely think straight. All I can do is call myself a slut with pride. When I am called a whore I say thank you, to me they are the most powerful of women. Slut empowerment is the only option I see. So fuck fuck fuck away girls, fuck the patriarchy away.


fellow slut with pride here and nobody ever seems to understand how I feel when it comes to it.....I am in a long term committed (in that staying together is important over all else) relationship....and we are allowed to "see" "fuck" whom ever we want....humans don't mate for life spite what people will tell you....

Well I'm late to this conversation, but I support you MantaRaye...and any man who looks down on you for being a "slut" is a hypocrite!