Once upon a time...
a five year old boy experienced a painful death that lasted over seven hours. He couldn't understand what was happening to him and why his parents and everyone around him was so sad. He didn't get why he was in so much pain or why God had decided that it would be him that would hurt. He could barely breathe and frequently passed in and out of consciousness. His hands trembled with fear when he was awake and he would repeat "I don't want to go away." constantly. At two in the morning he went away and never understood why. At two in the morning I gave up on Christ.
a five year old boy experienced a painful death that lasted over seven hours. He couldn't understand what was happening to him and why his parents and everyone around him was so sad. He didn't get why he was in so much pain or why God had decided that it would be him that would hurt. He could barely breathe and frequently passed in and out of consciousness. His hands trembled with fear when he was awake and he would repeat "I don't want to go away." constantly. At two in the morning he went away and never understood why. At two in the morning I gave up on Christ.