last night siren came to visit me at (Q) is more a GOD than ever antisipated.. no wonder spooky is always raving about her...all i have to say is i bow to you chloe ...mia was quite pleasent and seemed to get comfortable real fast in my office...and i don't mean that in a bad way...she kicked back on my cozy couch and talked with chloe the GOD.... PERFECT...this left me with some quality time to bond with my new computer pal siren...(SO I THOUGHT).....but...siren was not as witchie as promised ...we raised no evil spells together...we did no witchcraft....didnt even touch the ouji board or make a voodoo doll..she did offer her blood for my suicide mansion spell...but the red liquid magic never did appear from her skin...she was quite friendly when i picked her up and then suddenly dead quiet...i did not get it....after sending a zillion e-mails between us you would think there would be more to say..especially with my andie spell in full was kinda like asking for a bike for christmas and getting a scooter...the scooter is cool ...but you asked for a bike...anyway we sat in my dungen and drank rum and cokes while listening to bjork...( my 3 favorite things to do)...then we went up stairs to the club and i put on some thumping LORDS OF ACID and turned on the dance lights...THEN......they wanted to go back to the hotel...HUH????...(this was no suicide alice hanging till 4 am and working at (Q)..)...hollywood ...private dance club...rum and cokes.....i dont get it...maybe it was the plane ride?????or the fact it was 2 am and they had to get up at 8 am...or maybe i am a weirdo and i freaked them out with my evil dungen....but what happened to the vampires girls i thought i was meeting????so i dropped them off and siren waved good bye from a safe distance from the curb and i drove away confused....and i thought i was cute all this time...
I thought the SG's were going to b at the Q tonight. Am I wrong? Why was I thinking this? Oh me oh my.
Well tickle my ass with a feather. I got the girlfriend all hyped and washed the aquaman underoos for the first time in weeks in anticipation. Hot damn.
Well I guess it is going to be a night of graff. art at Boardners followed by nuthin'...
still wanna show the lady the Q. whats next almighty?