so, at the present i am in oakland... yes, indeed ye olde land of oak. i'm visiting my very good friend gabby. we are having a feast right now... it has consisted of polska kieleasa(sausage), tuna helper, tomato-basil wheat thins with cream cheese and pepperocinis. we havent gotten to the nutella and milanos...oh and assorted kit-kats. this is what happens when one goes to albersons hungry.
im a little nervous being here, last time i was here this all happend...
i drove by myself, gabby told me that the directions from mapquest were wrong and to take 580 all the way here instead of taking 880, then her phone preceded to die...leaving me without directions, so i got off the freeway in berkley and stopped at a convenience store. i walked in, thoroughly frazzled, to see that the clerks were in a bullet-proof glass box. i asked them for directions and they were just as perplexed as i was, but they gave me a general heading. and that took time enough for gabbys phone to charge. finally i get to her apartment at about nine, and she informs me that we shall now make our way to Denny's, where i met her IKEA coworkers, three dramatically voluptuous young african-american women. we talked for about four hours, long enough for two drunken rap-scallions to show. before we left, the more drunk of the two asked my friend for her number, and she actually gave it to him...the real one! and it only took twenty minutes for him to call her. but when we got home she realized that her house key was not on her key ring. suspecting that she had left it at denny's; we made our way there. now this was the weekend that we had the monsoon-like rain, so it was raining and we were driving at four am, going about 70mph on a banked turn. and everyone can probably guess what happend next... we hydroplaned, she overcorrected, we spun out, hit the guard-rail going backwards, the ABS turned itself on, we had to pull down the embankment, she pulled the emergency brake to finally stop us. i tryed to get out of the car but it was the passenger side that got hit, so my door wouldn't open. we did make it back, but the alignment was completely out-of-whack. and if that wasnt enough stress, i checked my car and had received a parking ticket, AND the drunk man showed up at gabby's apartment. and gabby got in his car, i watched him from the lobby for about an hour, then when upstairs and watched from the window...and no sooner than i turn away is the car gone. she doesnt answer her phone, but shows up at 10 am, with hickies. it is at that point that i have had too much, i leave at about 4pm. on my way back i get lost AGAIN. i ended up in alameda, i stopped at kragen where a trucker gave me surefire directions. i made it back at about 6pm.
god, i hope this time is better on all fronts.

im a little nervous being here, last time i was here this all happend...
i drove by myself, gabby told me that the directions from mapquest were wrong and to take 580 all the way here instead of taking 880, then her phone preceded to die...leaving me without directions, so i got off the freeway in berkley and stopped at a convenience store. i walked in, thoroughly frazzled, to see that the clerks were in a bullet-proof glass box. i asked them for directions and they were just as perplexed as i was, but they gave me a general heading. and that took time enough for gabbys phone to charge. finally i get to her apartment at about nine, and she informs me that we shall now make our way to Denny's, where i met her IKEA coworkers, three dramatically voluptuous young african-american women. we talked for about four hours, long enough for two drunken rap-scallions to show. before we left, the more drunk of the two asked my friend for her number, and she actually gave it to him...the real one! and it only took twenty minutes for him to call her. but when we got home she realized that her house key was not on her key ring. suspecting that she had left it at denny's; we made our way there. now this was the weekend that we had the monsoon-like rain, so it was raining and we were driving at four am, going about 70mph on a banked turn. and everyone can probably guess what happend next... we hydroplaned, she overcorrected, we spun out, hit the guard-rail going backwards, the ABS turned itself on, we had to pull down the embankment, she pulled the emergency brake to finally stop us. i tryed to get out of the car but it was the passenger side that got hit, so my door wouldn't open. we did make it back, but the alignment was completely out-of-whack. and if that wasnt enough stress, i checked my car and had received a parking ticket, AND the drunk man showed up at gabby's apartment. and gabby got in his car, i watched him from the lobby for about an hour, then when upstairs and watched from the window...and no sooner than i turn away is the car gone. she doesnt answer her phone, but shows up at 10 am, with hickies. it is at that point that i have had too much, i leave at about 4pm. on my way back i get lost AGAIN. i ended up in alameda, i stopped at kragen where a trucker gave me surefire directions. i made it back at about 6pm.
god, i hope this time is better on all fronts.