i am bored and wanna go out and do something...any suggestions
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 27, 2008
I made a B on my first French Quiz. Totally thought I failed it An… -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
prof isn't hot but really cooll.. so does anyone know french and w… -
Wednesday Aug 13, 2008
registered this morning. taking french (profs hot!) and anthropology.… -
Tuesday Aug 12, 2008
so back on June 16th i met with an advisor at the college i used to g… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
THE POLE IS UP!!!!! Yeah i am just a little stoked about this. My… -
Tuesday Jul 01, 2008
so i got the pole up....and it came down...well actually it just came… -
Monday Jun 30, 2008
i am gonna start giving pole lessons at my house... any takers -
Thursday Jun 19, 2008
wow june has been a crazy month so the "friend" i stayed with in L… -
Tuesday May 27, 2008
i leave for LA thursday and it couldn't be better timing.... one o… -
Wednesday May 07, 2008
so my friends coco and ems helped celebrate SEIS de mayo with me last…
Trivia tonight. 8pm I think it's posted n the group under the nerdy thread the 4 pager near the top.