As time passes, my older sister gets more and more on my case about being single. She feels that all I need is a little direction, organization and a little luck and the woman of my dreams will walk through my front door. But before she can "help me out", she has to first know what I like...which has been hard for her.
Sister: What kind of things do you like in a girl
Me: Good use of punctuation and a decent sense of humor
Sister: What's wrong with you?
Me: Nothing! Are those not good answers?
Sister: Who says "Punctuation" as like their first answer?
Me: Tortured writers who only seem to get lucky with girls who literally say "OMG" when they're surprised and write "C u ltr. Lv u" in their texts.
Sister: You're like the black Woody Allen.
Me: Like "Annie Hall" Woody Allen or "Deconstructing Harry" Woody Allen? This is very important.
Sister: BOTH!
Me: You always said I was adopted. There's probably a nice Jewish family missing me right now.