the less I say the more friends I'll make. maybe this is too much already... i hate to talk but love to speak my mind. How do so many people know me and I've never met them before. I'm scared. I need a rent-free hole where I can slowly rot away, oblivious to the wasting world around me.I can wear a mask for my mind, but somehow someone always recognizes me
Yeah, i was happy, and probbably much better then, but I don't want to be there again, even if I could. I see them all now, stuck. four years later, they're all the same. Drugs were what kept them (us?) together. Was it really for the love of music? They envied me when I was naive.Are they jealous now that I didn't end up like them? I'm ahead, but I'm alone. I once heard, It doesn't matter where you finish, as long as you finish. They will always have my love and respect.
Now, just leave me alone.

Now, just leave me alone.