"...No more petty crimes, nickel sacks, rap shows, or raves, sunshine or bullshit holidays. just radiation and tidal waves. Death to the modern day slaves. Running down the streets with our arms raised, Atheists now give praise..."

love love love
I like that prose, it 'rolls' well. As you can tell I am no critic of literature to any degree. But I still like it.
Does Kombo's profile look screwed up to anyone else? As if the CSS is spilling over or something...
Love the profile!
I had this dream about this girl in an old calculus class I had in college, She was the cutest little thang!!! A little confused about her style, but she was like 17...
The cutest thing about her was she was an absolute nerd..

That was a year ago tho... I'm insane, I think i'm gonna go downtown and look for her. If not maybe...
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why am I selling myself out?
Is there really such thing as a "better living"
Work is robbing me of myself.
It's getting harder and harder to smile at strangers...
I feel sick.
So heres the big day. I've got 3 phone numbers, I used to know hundreds of names, I've got 40 bucks on me and I've got to find a way to bmore. (an hour away) my good friend is on deck until midnight, So I've got to se her drop that shit for they new year.

Whats my resolution? 1024x768 tongue

okay so no tongue I'm just...
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They'll always talk about me, good or bad. They'll always be my friends good or bad. Too bad I frighten most /normal/ people I wouldn't mind having them for friends. well, actually, What the fuck do normal people do for fun? Oh well, I gotta be happy with i got... and as much as I try, I can't be happy with nothing... yet. Should I...
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Sounds like the kind of stuff I mumble to myself when I start suspecting the world is not the way it should be.

You live you die. You only get one chance to try...

Not that I can talk, Im always giving up.
Why is it people think I'm gay just cuz I don't respond when a girl is tryin to mac. I can't even goto parties just to sit next to the speaker and get lost in the music, high. I mind my own buziness why does everyone make a spectacle of me? Damnnnn If people would only ask questions instead of assuming everything... Is it so...
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I'm such a burnout. I wonder whether its only when I'm high do people say shit, or is it I can just hear them when I'm high. It's just i'm too spaced out to do something about it... I mean if I weren't out in space, I'd do something about it. I think I'm going to start bringing some brass knuckles to parties. Making people...
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Him : "Yeah I'm such a retard, I just sit there and keep nodding and smiling... It goes in one ear and out the other... okay peace (he never says peace, I've never noticed how cynical he was until now...) "

me : "yeah I'm the same way, You know how it is, see no evil, hear no evil. (and you're such a typical shittalkin...
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This is so cool. I can talk to myself all I want and people will read it and think I'm talking to them...

I always wonder if i'd keep friends if i kept my mouth shut...

expression is futile? no mater What i say I don't know if anyone will understand what I mean. Should I say anything at all? I think 99% of my...
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I have a stinger. My friends are too nice to abuse, though. They wouldn't like it, so I just play it cool. Word.

Thinking is the panacea if the ADD.
What is there to do besides drugs and partying on a friday night ? !?!?!? frown frown frown
How can I take pictures of homeless people when they are all dying of hypothermia? I mean yeah, Dead bodies are cool, but they just won't pose for me like the crackheads do. You can get a lot for a cigarette. This is beat. Why do all the spaniards mention loco when they see me? I haven't been colorful in years, and they still remember...
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