Bloody procrastination. It's just pathetic. I haven't updated for months, I've travelled exotic countries and loved exotic people, and all I can write about is how I detest packing, flying and smoking bans. At least Berlin kept a bit of integrity and I'll sure be sucking on a cancer stick at the Bang Bang club on Valentines. Wearing... what? What the fuck am I gonna wear?! Ugh.
I made a lacy arm band specially for this trip last night, very very drunk on fabulous rum cocktails. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but I'm not so sure come hangover. Germans don't have much sense of humour about genocide.

I'll probably take it off for immigration, you think?

Now for something fabulous.
Recently I entered the Andy Warhol history. Very slightly did I enter it, just with the tip of my stiletto, but still. Leee Black Childers was doing a talk about the Superstars, Iggy, Ziggy, glam, punk and all the fabulous things I missed thanks to being born too late. Don't get me started. Anyway, I went onstage at the Royal Festival Hall and read excerpts from Warhol's play Pork. I read lines of Vulva - Manko reading Vulva, what a laugh - originally performed by Jayne County. When I catch that bitch next time I'm in NY I'm gonna snog the slap-on off her face. Fucking love her. Here's Manko being Vulva:

And here's a prove I ain't shittin ya (cause as it is commonly known, press never lies. Pft! Don't get me started

Now for some plugging.
I edited a book. I had no idea what I was doing but it turned out rather cute, if I say so myself...

Go buy it. I made it. It's dirty. And he'll buy me a pretty dress from the profits. Then maybe I won't be sitting in my bathrobe when it's time to go to the airport.
Time for some candid photos, I guess. Ghhr! What can I show you that you haven't already seen? Thanks to 11 sets you probably know what my bod and my mug looks like better than I do. How about insides of my face? That's gotta be new to you.
Unexpected depths of intimacy with Manko.
Gods, someone shut me up and throw me out of the door... I have a bleeding plane to catch.
PS this is a terrible and lazy excuse for a diary entry and I apologise for resorting to rolling eyes via emoticons. Maybe you should ask me questions and I'll write replies in the next entry, it will be modern, jolly fun and interactive game. I'll write it when I'm drunk, not hungover.
He's from a very straight background,so I showed him GO GO's set and your, "Paris Hilton on Crack" set.
When you were up, he was so glued to the big screen, i thought his eye balls might actually get stuck to it.
After that , he lost interest, I think you burned his libido out. GOOD GIRL !