And so I've been trying to tie up a few loose ends.
One of the projects long overdue has been putting my old radio segments to practical use, and so this week I baked a little CD compilation, a Best Of my work on SG Radio.

It inhabits 11 segments and a bonus track - really just a start considering that between 2005 and 2007 my voice fouled Indie 103.1FM radiowaves in at least 87 different ways... But I had to make a start on wrapping up my [dubious] radio career somewhere, right?
It's a hand-made self-publication, obviously... Therefore those who want one for themselves should expect a very limited run, the limiting factor being my patience to burn CDs, waltz to print shop, cut/staple booklets and reapply red lipstick for kiss traces.
(PM for ordering info)
Secondly, I've been arranging my FANART folder into groups co-referencing to my photosets. It's fascinating how one picture can trigger multiple drawings. Thanks to all the fabulous creatures contributing to the collection.
All this plugging my "fabulousness" might come across as rather big-headed of me, so how about we knock it down a notch..... EDIT: here I tried to show off that I had a hate-site created in my honour, but it turned out it wouldn't be appropriate to give them any more promotion. Idiots are already good enough at advertising themselves and making sure they don't go unnoticed.
I was pretty ecstatic of the fact that some internet strangers invested their time to establish my stardom and celebrity. Sadly after a few dealings with the sad old shit behind the profile I became most disappointed. And what did I really expect, a verbal chess game with an intellectual equal?.. Naive, naive little Manko. Once taken up on their bitching, "haters" turn out to be juvenile ex-fans who'd thought I was supposed to be lovely to everyone by default, even better!- that I have attitude problems because I'm more beautiful than everyone else. (an actual quote) Makes you wanna weep, no?... If was ugly like an arsehole infested by hemorrhoids I would despise you just as equally. Well I guess it was an amusing experiment which culminated in my realising that most people are ever so dilettantish in hating that they barely know how to spell the word, that they wouldn't know hatred if it spat them in the face. And also that they don't deserve my time wasted on despising them (even though to be honest that does give me a certain pleasure).... ahhh. I think I'll take the advice of one of my pals who said " It's not just that I realised the damage people like this can do, even if it's just by forcing you to dedicate them some of your daily time; I also understood how much good can come to you from radically different people. Especially true, when you think that the people with a good influence on you are very far and between, thus making every single second wasted on idiots more than a crime."
And with that inspired thought, the hate site was deleeeeeeeted. For cyberbullying, aparently, and slander as far as I'm concerned, but above all for the crime of wasting my precious seconds.
Let's introduce some balance into this love/hate situation.
This girl loves Manko so much she want to be Manko, and who's to say that she isn't, in her fucked up little head and in the ether of internet. I find this particular fake Manko profile incredibly adorable so please don't go and scare her off - roleplayers scuttle away like cockroaches as soon as you shine some light onto their secret nasty deeds...
I miss your radio musings.
One day we will meet in person.
I am so jealous of James
I only toyed with a toyger...