First where did that blog come from on my page from a on my page!!!!
What I want to put before you is this! ARRR!!!

That dull roar you are hearing is our great national Ponzi scheme collapsing around us. One sign of the times:Auditorshave found thatfor the last decade major auto companies was run with all the strategic vision of a child's lemonade stand. This...
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But I say,Keep walking by sprit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. For the flesh is against the sprit in its desire, and the sprit against the flesh; for they are oppused to each other, so that the very things that you would like to do. Futhermore, if you are being led by the sprit, you are not undre law. Now...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set!

So here we are a new year an new President. time to see what changes will happen this year. perhaps instead of giveing all our money to other counties Perhaps we can take care of our own. It would be amazing how much less would be needed in taxes if we did this. perhaps cut the fat in goverment, then use this money for our...
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You all are lovely girls would love to bed you all. I have a disabled wife that I love. same wife is a incest surviver. As a guy married better or worse stiil being faithful. Have some tell wife consent play have others xay dump the phsyco don't want either. Love my wife married her for life mate. The incest thing learn along the way.....
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I ran across a term I did not know, and got to wondering. Fo instance in Enland a fag means a cigarette. So it seams to me a series of articles on this subject would be interesting.
yeah... its fun to say, can i bum a fag to americans. = can i steal a cigarette off you
Thanks for the comment on my new set! kiss

Well I went to the ZZ Top concert. They can still put on a show. i found it to be great fun a great concert. was there anyone from oregon there besides me?
Well what do you know it's October already. How time flies by. So have fun while you can but build for the future.
Time sure does fly. I was just talking earlier about how this month just whizzed by!
Recently there was a study done in Germany that I heard about on a talk show. I have as of yet to find a link to it. The study show that women that are highly intellegent have a harder time coming to completion in the sex act. Supposedly this is due to the fact that they think to much during the sex act rather than...
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I know it's kind of a late thank you but, thanks so much for commenting on my set and helping it to go up!! smile You rock!
and you know what, i have a pretty high iq and have no problems in bed wink so I'm gonna have to say that that is NOT true wink

I am most likely mistaken, but am I not seeing some of the SG;s in game shows and comercials? Was hoping not going brain fcted. Would Love to know if I was recongizing the beautiful women I have the privelage to view

I done been political as I am going to. We all would love to help you SG"s go live but with out a layout title or a link we can't do that with out hours to look at them all in hopefuls and sorry not all of us can do that. we have to earn a living but it would be a pleasure if we...
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Thanks for commenting on my Volcanic Ruins set!
Thanks for the comment on my self shot contest set biggrin kiss
Jesus H Christ People get political savy! do your research find all the facts Know what the hell you are voting for, and who you are voting for and why puke someone said you should vote for this person because he or she is in our party. What I am saying is Just because she is a woman or another minority should we vote for this...
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well i searched their myspace page through and through and found NOTHING about if you eat meat you ride with hitler. so either you are a complete liar, and im starting to suspect sort of a jerk at that, or you are completely dillusional. and still a jerk.
the link you sent doesnt even work.

Well I found something today my be old news but liked her music. A woman by the name of Morgan Grace she can be found at http://www.myspace.com/morgangrace I liked it.
mystery novels are cool, this one has clues and websites for you to investigate, i love it. x x