I just wanted to say that last night after stumbling across a blog via a google search called 'diary of a suicide'
I just read her first entry - a few lines of it and thought 'what?'
I mean I know that there is madness in the world and of course we all at times feel like this or whatever but something for some reason compelled me to email this little girl. I wanted to share what I wrote in the email -
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:45:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: ME
Subject: I happen to stumble across your blog.....
...and something compelled me to email you and just
say 'hi'.
I really do not know what to say. I will just say
what I did and what I am think of now if you do not
I read your header then read an entry on how
everything was the same and that you are well~ sad. I
then click on your profile to find your email info and
saw a pic of two girls in blue shirts. My eyes then
glanced down to see the phrase' I know I am ugly.'
My heart does break some for you are so young and just
starting life. I know it seems to suck right now, but
well - I do not know why I am even doing this -
~~~~my thoughts
..if you have ever sat there at night typing into your
blog and just shed a tear of part sorrow for your life
right now and part hope that somewhere someone just
might come along and make things better, or different
for you.....I can tell you that I too shed that very
same tear once.....
~~~so I do understand. and what I have found in my
life is that this tear of part sorrow and part hope is
somewhat 'gifted' to those who need it and once your
shed it....it is gone, away to another who it holds in
and if you haven't, then you will and then you will be
in a somewhat different place, you will have a clear
view of your life and what it holds in store for you.
That tear just creates a blurry distorted
view......once removed, clarity will prevail.
San Diego, CA USA
........I don't know but something just makes me what to share that with you and I kind of what to give everyone a BIG HUG today. Must be the weather...........
I just read her first entry - a few lines of it and thought 'what?'
I mean I know that there is madness in the world and of course we all at times feel like this or whatever but something for some reason compelled me to email this little girl. I wanted to share what I wrote in the email -
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:45:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: ME
Subject: I happen to stumble across your blog.....
...and something compelled me to email you and just
say 'hi'.
I really do not know what to say. I will just say
what I did and what I am think of now if you do not
I read your header then read an entry on how
everything was the same and that you are well~ sad. I
then click on your profile to find your email info and
saw a pic of two girls in blue shirts. My eyes then
glanced down to see the phrase' I know I am ugly.'
My heart does break some for you are so young and just
starting life. I know it seems to suck right now, but
well - I do not know why I am even doing this -
~~~~my thoughts
..if you have ever sat there at night typing into your
blog and just shed a tear of part sorrow for your life
right now and part hope that somewhere someone just
might come along and make things better, or different
for you.....I can tell you that I too shed that very
same tear once.....
~~~so I do understand. and what I have found in my
life is that this tear of part sorrow and part hope is
somewhat 'gifted' to those who need it and once your
shed it....it is gone, away to another who it holds in
and if you haven't, then you will and then you will be
in a somewhat different place, you will have a clear
view of your life and what it holds in store for you.
That tear just creates a blurry distorted
view......once removed, clarity will prevail.
San Diego, CA USA
........I don't know but something just makes me what to share that with you and I kind of what to give everyone a BIG HUG today. Must be the weather...........
i can't see how anybody wouldn't take something like that to heart and be warmed by it
big hug right back atcha