What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
65% General American English
25% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
whatever! I am a Texan - AND I think this is totally wrong -
it SHOULD say 95% Texan, 4% Mono-tone, and 1% STUPIDITY.
oh yea - the other night - got a gal to in the sack with me and the ball and chain.....[let's see here....where is that damn list again!?!?!?!!!!! AHA!] ..........check! Next on the list........swim with the dolphins......the nice ones of course at some enclosed swimming faculity like Seaworld with trainers and clear chlorinated water surruond by parametics and those special red carrying cases loaded with some tranquilizer filldart gun to render the mammal motionless if it just happens to THAT ONE crazed bunch of dolphins that have been plotting vengance against the human race for decades now because -well- we eat tooooooo much DAMN tuna from their point of view [and we all know the whole tuna net issue and dolphins jumping in their way] WHICH brings their pre-meditatedl 'let's get THAT STUPID GIRL who is not paying attention to the rules as she marks off something one off THOSE must do list. Bet it has to do with us dolphins as the years of brainwashing the humans into thinking that petting us is such a great experience which is spiritually fullfilling for the mind body for me' ATTACK on MOI! ~~~cuz you see .....if you look in my cabinets you will find about 10 cans of tuna right now and well they see me as an easy target for I have a hardtime going underwater and holding my breathe due to the sinus issues, I am smaller and weaker than them AND since I never listen to ANYTHING nor read anything and missed the trainers instructions for me to NOT what so ever go and cover up their holes on the top of there noggins as if to play an instrument of some sort....plus I pee in the water which will let off the scent of digested tuna for SURE! [WHO KNOWS] ........
and man - that gramatically soooooo incorrect run on back there is I am positive so only understood by me
.........thinking...........let's just crheck that one off cuz I can......CHECK ..........
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Mother's Day - he checked off his list. I watched as he got out his list and well ~~~CHECK!
65% General American English
25% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
whatever! I am a Texan - AND I think this is totally wrong -
it SHOULD say 95% Texan, 4% Mono-tone, and 1% STUPIDITY.
oh yea - the other night - got a gal to in the sack with me and the ball and chain.....[let's see here....where is that damn list again!?!?!?!!!!! AHA!] ..........check! Next on the list........swim with the dolphins......the nice ones of course at some enclosed swimming faculity like Seaworld with trainers and clear chlorinated water surruond by parametics and those special red carrying cases loaded with some tranquilizer filldart gun to render the mammal motionless if it just happens to THAT ONE crazed bunch of dolphins that have been plotting vengance against the human race for decades now because -well- we eat tooooooo much DAMN tuna from their point of view [and we all know the whole tuna net issue and dolphins jumping in their way] WHICH brings their pre-meditatedl 'let's get THAT STUPID GIRL who is not paying attention to the rules as she marks off something one off THOSE must do list. Bet it has to do with us dolphins as the years of brainwashing the humans into thinking that petting us is such a great experience which is spiritually fullfilling for the mind body for me' ATTACK on MOI! ~~~cuz you see .....if you look in my cabinets you will find about 10 cans of tuna right now and well they see me as an easy target for I have a hardtime going underwater and holding my breathe due to the sinus issues, I am smaller and weaker than them AND since I never listen to ANYTHING nor read anything and missed the trainers instructions for me to NOT what so ever go and cover up their holes on the top of there noggins as if to play an instrument of some sort....plus I pee in the water which will let off the scent of digested tuna for SURE! [WHO KNOWS] ........
and man - that gramatically soooooo incorrect run on back there is I am positive so only understood by me
.........thinking...........let's just crheck that one off cuz I can......CHECK ..........
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Mother's Day - he checked off his list. I watched as he got out his list and well ~~~CHECK!
You want this? Why? What makes you "unstoppable."
15% Upper Midwestern
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
0% Dixie
no dixie, as expected. I'm a Minnesota/Wisconsin boy