For a long time now - I have been feeling that a change of some sort was going to happen. Back in November - I knew that change was just around the corner - what is was???? Not a clue. I accept change. I am very little happy nor very little sad when it happens.....for I see it as the next step. The 'okay, the map says turn left and ........[sharp left oblique] now what.' feeling I get sometimes is I guess just for my state of mind.
In December - MAN - something has got to happen soon..........for a time I actually started to get excited....things that I had worked on were coming into place. I could see the end with the pot of goal. 'Now I can totally see change coming around about the end of February.......Good times.'
In January - it is almost getting to easy. Change is lingering.
February - it comes and goes with of course a few alterations made here and there.
SO March - now I do not mind late on things like my taxes, a phone bill, my period even to boot......
SO Obviously March and Change ganged up on and stabbed ol end of February in the back - fucking nasty bitches. I think I got a new name for your newly acquired friendship bitches and you can bring in your buddy Misery - she always like good company! Fuck bring her gender mutation of boyfriend - [if you can call him that - we all know he is gay!] Fear.......yep all of you just sit back and discuss what your colors or signs are gonna be.......bring it on - really - N1ED. There never was.
I know the next step now. I am ready. I knew it down deep so really I just knew it the whole fucking time. This is the time where the strong get stronger, the weak like you get weaker and well ----- when people like myself start fucking with everyone's be what I need to be to make things good.......I am calm.
In December - MAN - something has got to happen soon..........for a time I actually started to get excited....things that I had worked on were coming into place. I could see the end with the pot of goal. 'Now I can totally see change coming around about the end of February.......Good times.'
In January - it is almost getting to easy. Change is lingering.
February - it comes and goes with of course a few alterations made here and there.
SO March - now I do not mind late on things like my taxes, a phone bill, my period even to boot......
SO Obviously March and Change ganged up on and stabbed ol end of February in the back - fucking nasty bitches. I think I got a new name for your newly acquired friendship bitches and you can bring in your buddy Misery - she always like good company! Fuck bring her gender mutation of boyfriend - [if you can call him that - we all know he is gay!] Fear.......yep all of you just sit back and discuss what your colors or signs are gonna be.......bring it on - really - N1ED. There never was.
I know the next step now. I am ready. I knew it down deep so really I just knew it the whole fucking time. This is the time where the strong get stronger, the weak like you get weaker and well ----- when people like myself start fucking with everyone's be what I need to be to make things good.......I am calm.

who likes Buddha?