The rain was cool at first - now it just bugs. Enough already. People here in SD drive bad anyways....when the rain comes most call in at work....'Sorry, can't make it's raining!' or they drive a wee bit over 35. Everything in my house is moist. My cigarettes are damp. Hell even the tolietpaper is weird to the touch. It is not cold enough for the heater and it is stall but not hot enough for the AC. My hair just goes into use in even trying. I have sinus issues cuz everything is stirred up and the pressure just bites. My day is worthless for I only feel like sleeping and I can't even do that. The sheets are damp and it just feels like some who sweated like a pig for the last 8 hours just got out of it......but it is not all warm and toasty - it's cold and clammy. I think I am just going to go take a warm shower and wash the ick off of me.
I'll send ya proofing instructions when I have the stories written.