- nanner, nanner, boo boo - Yeah that's right , you know, I got laid - yeah baby - in the minutes before the guest arrived - we had just gotten everything cleaned and ready for them - and BLAM - just made the house a little dirty - not messy just a little naughty. HEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHEHE - we couldn't on the beds for all the sheets were folded and clean, the floors are hardwood, the couch, well then everyone would have seen so - up against the wall standing, one leg up on his shoulder the other for balance - DAMN - I love that I was in gymnastics for 13 years - having the flexiblity still today ROCKS.
This is how it took place - [me] hey, [lowering my hand over his thingie] you wanna? [him]......uuhh...[looking around] ....where? [me]....uuuhhh [grabbing his hand pulling him down the hallway, looking in one room, then the next, turning to the bathroon, circling around back to the kids rooms, realizing it is just toooooo kids-y and finally retreating back to the second room stopping, looking at the wooden rocking chair]....here? [him]..uuhh..[me backing up against the wall]...here....[him dropping his shorts].
We gotta a winner folks!romantic huh?????
All in all - I got me some. All 1.45 of it. Now I say that not to be mean on his part but to state how nervous we both were that they would show - OKAY. Besides I like it sometimes when I please him - just pleasing him.
I got laid and you didn't -

- and I plan on getting him again tonight - this time - it will be my turn. I will be like ...

yeah that feels good.....

, yeah yeah....

o o my gosh, yeah.......

oh oh that's it,




...... thanks baby......
But really ... thanks for posting such a descriptive journal. Didn't make me jealous in the least. Nope. Not at all.
And yes ... I'll be waiting for the propsal. Tomorrow sounds good to me.
Photos are allowed as an addendum to the proposal.