as i sit here in corona del mar pch starbucks, i really hate coming here - it really bugs. i really wish a "anything but a modem" connection could be set up at the house here we stay at sometimes - it is a family home that is shared between many as a vacation spot or meeting point - whatever. It only has one jack that works for a phone and to config to it each time i come here just urks me to the point of no (well little) return. They 30 -45 seconds required to load a page - fuck - I say honestly right now - hand over my heart with tear in my eye, I feel soooo bad for individuals with dial up - I am truely sorry for your situation - I wish I could help. I have 3 pc and 2 laps and I am on the net a lot for both personal and (trying) professional reasons and I feel awful. My heart aches for you.
So - I am here and I am suppose to be visiting family. Not mine directly but you know what I am talking about - cousins of squeeze of friends of mothers of brothers type. They are great people too - well educated polite great conversationalist, but I don't care. I just do not click with them and I never have. I hate that I allow myself to be put in this place but I do it for I know it makes him happy and he does things that make me happy too unwanting. Yeah relationships - good ol give take. Sometimes I feel as thought I have given 80 and he has given 8 - the other 12 is for all the times we were aloof to the fact we were actually doing the favor. Anyhoos - he feels the exact opposite has occurred. WHAT -
I am tired of giving right now - and since he feels as if I am already not giving - then there is really no loss - right -
I know - I know - Just the way to really start fucking thing up again but i guess that is just my mood - I know I am wrong about this and that we are both too damn stubborn and bull headed to let the others side of the story sink in but I am trying.
So i sit here in CDM PCH STARBUCKS - while the rest are at the beach. -
- I really do not enjoy the beach as much as I should - I hate the little things like sand in my ass crack, parking, sand in my ears, no internet, sand in sandwich that I made for lunch, SAND - It bugs along with the girl from Brazil and her two buddies - she is perfect and they just tag along to get her rejects - they are cute too but compared to her - well point mute. hope i get laid tonight - I want to but the mere fact of others around - i know it won't happen -
So - I am here and I am suppose to be visiting family. Not mine directly but you know what I am talking about - cousins of squeeze of friends of mothers of brothers type. They are great people too - well educated polite great conversationalist, but I don't care. I just do not click with them and I never have. I hate that I allow myself to be put in this place but I do it for I know it makes him happy and he does things that make me happy too unwanting. Yeah relationships - good ol give take. Sometimes I feel as thought I have given 80 and he has given 8 - the other 12 is for all the times we were aloof to the fact we were actually doing the favor. Anyhoos - he feels the exact opposite has occurred. WHAT -

I to feel sorry for people who have to use dial up. But I don't know how sorry I can feel for someone who uses a pirated Operating System and doesn't have enough sense to use a firewall or anti-virus software(a couple of friends of mine).
Hanging out with people you don't click with just puts me in a bad mood. Because I know I could be doing something more productive that gives me warm fuzzies and such.
The whole give take thing, no comment. Ok a very short comment. After I had surgery I wasn't supposed to do any thing but relax for the next 2 months all I have to say is this was not the case
The beach is over rated.
Startbucks thanks you for your patronage. Expect package of super improved good vibe has been sent via Cosmic express you can expect you delivery in about 1-2 hours.
And if you didn't get laid last night may you get laid tonight or tomorrow.
I enjoy being messed with every now and again.
Last spring I got seriously pissed at my Charter ( my then cable company) about somthing stupid, in fact I cant even recall what it was but I deceided I was going to cancel my service. So I did. Being that there were no other cable companies in my area I had to use dial up. That lasted for ohhhh about 3 days. I went crawling back to Charter begging them to please turn my cable back on. I have absolutely NO patience for waiting on a computer at all. To add insult to injury the cable people made me wait over a week before they would come back and turn me back on. are quite stunning