I changed my photo cuz .......'i'm fat, i'm fat, you know it [background singers - really really fat]~because i'm fat, i'm fat you know it, WHOA! Who's fat?" ~ME!
Man - I hate feeling this way - I can be such a girl sometimes. I hate weekends and holidays and sitting around bored - I just eat sometimes - but what is worse.....sleep eating! I am serious.
I have a tendency sometimes to sleep walk, talk and eat - Once, while living in the Oakwoods/Mission Bay Apartments/Avalon whatever - I walked outside I guess to get the mail or something - nude. Another time while in the Caminitio del Sol or just Reina del Sol or whatever - I walked out to the elevators to go somewhere - yep nude - the sig-other at the time was just sitting on the couch, stoned or drunk, and was just thinking 'there is no way she is about to walk outside nude?' Wanna bet.
Well the last few weeks I have been sleep eating badly. I wake up in the am with a juice box next to my pillow or a pringles can all opened and crumbs scattered. I have seen traces of goldfish under the sheets and I can't even start to tell you how many 'fun'size m&m wraps I have found on the floor. HEY M&M - what is so 'fun' about that! fuc53rs! I am one of those individuals who ranges in the weight catorgory. Every 2-3 years, I flip flop the old saddle bags. Some saddle bags - no saddle bags - major saddle bags - traces of attache' - freakin' complete luggage - well you get the point. For the last 2.5 years I have been on the no saddle bags with very little hints of dimmed headlights. I did however brighten the ol'headlights with a few accessories. They are like 'wow, perky little headlights, or are you always cold!' Yeah no bra for this front end. So - I kind of liked this stage however I did get carried away with it, sometime I would just forget to eat-very bad. But I will admit that I love to get the attention again. For my age and to look this way - yeah baby. But now - the table are beginning to turn - I can feel it.
I know that every runs in cycles and I am aware that there are good times and bad - not everything is perfect at all times nor do I ever want it to be. For that would mean the world is about to end. Insanity for all good all time never ending, meaning - there must be evil to have good, there must be hate to have love, ying yang, heaven hell. etc etc etc. HOOO HUUMMMM - okay - whatever - fat cells... start your storage engines - 1...2...beep beep/begin to multiply! UUGGHHH! I can feel it. I am just going to go over there now. With my cigarettes....and honey nut trail mix.....and smironoff [or2] and just wait.
Atleast when I have grandchildren, I can atleast show them the proof I have that I was hot at one point. Wait, they will think that's gross. I mean, if I saw erotic photos of my grandmother - uck - someone slap me. I am such a tard.
Now I really want to go over there now.
' I'm so vain. I guess I think this song is about me. I'm so VAIN, [so vain]. I guess this song is about me, don't I, don't I!' ~of course. I really think that I am important....lol....I do! Damn it! lol I know I am! LOL LOL LOL Seriously! giggle giggle snort snort - REALLY! hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhaha
Bye - sniff sniff - Bye for now, I am going to miss you. I'll be out though so don't worry - I'll do my best to see you again, okay! Bye! 
Man - I hate feeling this way - I can be such a girl sometimes. I hate weekends and holidays and sitting around bored - I just eat sometimes - but what is worse.....sleep eating! I am serious.
I have a tendency sometimes to sleep walk, talk and eat - Once, while living in the Oakwoods/Mission Bay Apartments/Avalon whatever - I walked outside I guess to get the mail or something - nude. Another time while in the Caminitio del Sol or just Reina del Sol or whatever - I walked out to the elevators to go somewhere - yep nude - the sig-other at the time was just sitting on the couch, stoned or drunk, and was just thinking 'there is no way she is about to walk outside nude?' Wanna bet.
Well the last few weeks I have been sleep eating badly. I wake up in the am with a juice box next to my pillow or a pringles can all opened and crumbs scattered. I have seen traces of goldfish under the sheets and I can't even start to tell you how many 'fun'size m&m wraps I have found on the floor. HEY M&M - what is so 'fun' about that! fuc53rs! I am one of those individuals who ranges in the weight catorgory. Every 2-3 years, I flip flop the old saddle bags. Some saddle bags - no saddle bags - major saddle bags - traces of attache' - freakin' complete luggage - well you get the point. For the last 2.5 years I have been on the no saddle bags with very little hints of dimmed headlights. I did however brighten the ol'headlights with a few accessories. They are like 'wow, perky little headlights, or are you always cold!' Yeah no bra for this front end. So - I kind of liked this stage however I did get carried away with it, sometime I would just forget to eat-very bad. But I will admit that I love to get the attention again. For my age and to look this way - yeah baby. But now - the table are beginning to turn - I can feel it.
I know that every runs in cycles and I am aware that there are good times and bad - not everything is perfect at all times nor do I ever want it to be. For that would mean the world is about to end. Insanity for all good all time never ending, meaning - there must be evil to have good, there must be hate to have love, ying yang, heaven hell. etc etc etc. HOOO HUUMMMM - okay - whatever - fat cells... start your storage engines - 1...2...beep beep/begin to multiply! UUGGHHH! I can feel it. I am just going to go over there now. With my cigarettes....and honey nut trail mix.....and smironoff [or2] and just wait.
Atleast when I have grandchildren, I can atleast show them the proof I have that I was hot at one point. Wait, they will think that's gross. I mean, if I saw erotic photos of my grandmother - uck - someone slap me. I am such a tard.
Now I really want to go over there now.
' I'm so vain. I guess I think this song is about me. I'm so VAIN, [so vain]. I guess this song is about me, don't I, don't I!' ~of course. I really think that I am important....lol....I do! Damn it! lol I know I am! LOL LOL LOL Seriously! giggle giggle snort snort - REALLY! hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhaha

by the way you aint fat cutie.