holy shit i cant believe march is almost over already. its starting to get nicer and nicer out. im so pumped for spring and summer!!!! i wanna get a skateboard and start back up again. i wanna get out of this seasonal depression, this year holds so much potential, and i feel like its about to explode very soon.
so it needs to be friday right now. road trip to jersey with my buddy joe. we are do visit our long time friends taylor and eric. it should be a very fun time, lots of alcohol consumption, weed smoking, and probably call of duty online (ps3). I am on the other hand a lil dissapointed though. the original plan dealt with us goin to...
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thanks for your friendship!

so last night went to a party, and met this girl that was absolutely adoreable her name was stephiny. she happened to be roomates with this other girl that ive known for a lil while named wynter. then i over heard them talking about me, stephiny thought i have beautiful eyes. we talked a good bit after that. so i decidetd to tell wynter that...
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Awe! Sounds like you had a very lovely evening. So hows that working out for ya?! I hope well...u seem like a sweet heart. We could all use more fellas like you. 

so today was a lump of shit. worked all day. then came home and helped my dad work on his tri-axle truck for 4 hours. im beat. how goes it?
its freezing rain out. so ive got about a half inch or more of ice on my car. fuck
so stayed home from work today. not feeling to well =/. watched the new G.I. Joe movie though, and it was good. if your bored and on aim you can add my sn, maniac52989.
so the pens lost tonight. what a bummer =/
the penguins better beat the hurricanes tonight, or ill be pissed. the canes have only won 6 games all year. but then again the steelers got beat by oakland. if they do lose it will be a very shity ending to a very lame work day.
Hey baby your have you a group musical??

my rot
so i really havent done anything since friday night. ive barely left my drummers couch in his living room since i passed out friday. it was nice to just chill for a couple days, during the week from 7am till like 1130 pm i dont have any freetime
eject punisher, get on those boondocks.
we both know that is where it's at

drummer- bah!
and same for me. i NEEED to see the new on. gratuitous violence. hells yes.
and same for me. i NEEED to see the new on. gratuitous violence. hells yes.