well people, saturday is almost over, just one more day before the awful start of a new week, I dont know about you , but monday and tuesday always make the week seem more longer

Anyway, ran out of my so delicious irish coffee (that is not good), will have to settle for instant coffee ( puke )

Will just have to see what happens tomorrow wink
yummi tortas ahogadas rule too!
but if you want to try real good tortas ahogadas you have to go to Jalisco-mex! love
I hate Monday and Tuesday too, they're the worst days of the week for me.

Also two days I get to go back to work after being off half of Saturday and on Sunday.


Ooh, coffee, that's always good for cherring up. smile

I dont know about anyone, but I hate mornings. The cold weather, the wet streets, the getting to youre job when you dont feel like it (responsibility is a drag mad ), but the only good thing about a saturday is that a have a half shift to cover, that means more quality time to do some other stuff, question is, What will we do today?...
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No, it's really just something I kind of do for fun..I'm really not that great at it!

Thanks for the comments on my pics though
Well I guess we shall see...
I can barely take proper pics of myself! lol

I get lucky with the other odd shot here and there tongue
words of wisdum

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shal be lifted... Nevermore! (edgar allan poe)

I know everyone has heard this words, but everytime things get bad, I remind myself this words, and everything seems to get better biggrin
Morning everybody

nothing is better than waking up to a good cup of irish coffee, today is my day off, so this wood be a good time to get my stuff in order (I'm not going to do it, but is good to say it tongue )anyway, its friday, hope everyone has a plan today, mine consist with a friends party, lots of beer, maybe bombing...
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hey my fine people

what a good night, just whent to the cinema to see SAW II, now that is a good movie, not as good as the first one, but close

had me some beers, but not enough since its still a school night and many people I when out had to go to bed early ( mad ) but tomorrow is friday, hopefully will...
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Damn, what a night

Got some illegal fireworks, put some on a tire of a volvo, damn thing just blew, its was amazing

on the plus side, the car was park for over 5 weeks, so no guilt

Well its morning again, had myself some coffee (need body liquid wink ) and heding strait to work, hopefully it will be a full days work

To everyone,...
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Sounds like fun!
Well, got in early, tham boss of mine told me to go home early, no more work, it would be great if my pay hceck wasnt on an hour bases.

still waiting for my crew to tell me there is some kind of party or get together, but sadly, its a school night, so I have to get each and every one of them out...
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Well its a cold wednesday morning, just got up, had myself half a toast and coffee (breakfast, the most important meal of the day smile ) and I'm off to work, hopefully my friends wont be to tired to go tonight wink

Sorry about the pic, i have issues with my camera and its delivering crappy images, I will work on it later this week

Have a...
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at least i don't have dental anxiety, i'd be screwed. . .

Well, this is my first journal editing, hope to meet a lot of interesting people, or at least have a good time looking at the SG pics.

I guess this is for now, be back with more info wink
That's funny, because my boss is big and fat. smile