Ive been reading a lot of journals, since I had no time in the past, Im trying to compensate for the time lost
, Ive meet new people, kept in touch with old friends, and read some interesting stuff about the site.
In one of the journals, a member added a site where a comment about Sg was mention, in the column Sg is reffered as another substitute for porn, that the diference between an SG model and a porn site is spredding their legs.
I would have to say that people that are closeminded would say such words, people that are not mature enough to see the diference between porn and art are people that have issues of their own.
We have to realize that sex,modeling, erotic, flirting, sexyness, cuteness, fancy, and any other terminology may sound like there the same, but that would be ignorant, nothing is the same, it may be related, but never comperade as the same, sex and porn is NOT the same, and if people cant see that for a fact, then it would be same as teaching a 7 year old all about the birds and the bees.
I respect everyones opinion, that is what makes every person unique, but I also respect the content of this site, and I very happy to be amember, just wanted to get that off my chest
Anyway, week has gone good, my vacations is officially over today, so tomorrow I will start work, AGAIN, and just wait for another weekend, since I got stood up by my friends yesterday, I tell you, I gotta get myself some new friends.
thanks to all that read this journal, nothing personal to anyone, but that is what I think about this site.
Have a great start of week

In one of the journals, a member added a site where a comment about Sg was mention, in the column Sg is reffered as another substitute for porn, that the diference between an SG model and a porn site is spredding their legs.
I would have to say that people that are closeminded would say such words, people that are not mature enough to see the diference between porn and art are people that have issues of their own.
We have to realize that sex,modeling, erotic, flirting, sexyness, cuteness, fancy, and any other terminology may sound like there the same, but that would be ignorant, nothing is the same, it may be related, but never comperade as the same, sex and porn is NOT the same, and if people cant see that for a fact, then it would be same as teaching a 7 year old all about the birds and the bees.
I respect everyones opinion, that is what makes every person unique, but I also respect the content of this site, and I very happy to be amember, just wanted to get that off my chest

Anyway, week has gone good, my vacations is officially over today, so tomorrow I will start work, AGAIN, and just wait for another weekend, since I got stood up by my friends yesterday, I tell you, I gotta get myself some new friends.
thanks to all that read this journal, nothing personal to anyone, but that is what I think about this site.
Have a great start of week

hi new friend

yea i sent in an application and got excepted, now im just working on my first set :o) ... stuck on ideas though