This has been a very weird and heptic week I had.
My bad, first off, thanks if youre reading this, I know its been a few weeks, but personal issues have been taking a lot off my time. Where I work, I guess I did something because 4 out off 15 co-workers are not speaking to me, and that is fine and weird at the...
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My bad, first off, thanks if youre reading this, I know its been a few weeks, but personal issues have been taking a lot off my time. Where I work, I guess I did something because 4 out off 15 co-workers are not speaking to me, and that is fine and weird at the...
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i hope things are going better for you
hopefully you had a good weekend

Thanks Manfred
I have a lot more pics too, just waiting on the photographers.

Its that time again, you guess it rigth, its Journal Time
. The week has been a long one, first of all my feet hurt, and just the normal hurting, but that kidn of pain that does not allowe you to walk like you wish to, and that really is an issue, since my job requires me to be active for 10 hours strait. So...
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pedicures are nice!!!!!!
Thank you for your sweet comment.
It's good to be back!

Hello people, its that time again, and yes, you guess it right, Journal Time
This week has been very crazy, when out drinking for three days strait, I still have no idea how I was able to work the following day, I easily drank over 15 beers every night, and on top of that, I woke up in a girls bed without even knowing the...
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This week has been very crazy, when out drinking for three days strait, I still have no idea how I was able to work the following day, I easily drank over 15 beers every night, and on top of that, I woke up in a girls bed without even knowing the...
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So, what's going on since your last journal? It's 1:30 in the morning here now I just got in from a zombie theme party. I dont feel so hot so I left at 1am which is a bit early seeing as I got there at 11pm, so it's 10:30 where you are. Do anything good tonight? Go on any dates lately?


The start of a new month, which means that I have to redo the appointment sheet for this month, its always the same thing, pure boring stuff, but at least they pay me to do so
Took a wild gamble and went to Viejas Casino, and yes, you guess it right, damn casino took all my money, and some people would say "at least I...
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Took a wild gamble and went to Viejas Casino, and yes, you guess it right, damn casino took all my money, and some people would say "at least I...
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I'm going to get tattoeod tonight!
I cannot wait
Then work tomorrow, work on Sunday, work on Monday - boo!
I cannot wait

Then work tomorrow, work on Sunday, work on Monday - boo!
what was the protest about?? and yeah casinos are evil!!! they stole my money in prague!!
Sunday is over people, and yet the weekend was all right, went to several clubs, meat lots of new people, rediscovered some old friends I havent seen for a while, and of course, had my share of drinks.
Stuff happened this weekend that I wish did not happened, for instance, today a couple was ran over infront of me, I actually saw blood on the...
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Stuff happened this weekend that I wish did not happened, for instance, today a couple was ran over infront of me, I actually saw blood on the...
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I really rnjoyed Hostel. I watched it through my hands. Ever see Cabin Fever? There's a thingy on the DVD that you can switch on where two girl hands block scarey scenes. It's fucking hilarious!!!!! I saw Hostel like that!
Hey! I'll go to Logan Airport and jump on a plane to San Diego to give it you.

Ive been reading a lot of journals, since I had no time in the past, Im trying to compensate for the time lost
, Ive meet new people, kept in touch with old friends, and read some interesting stuff about the site.
In one of the journals, a member added a site where a comment about Sg was mention, in the column Sg is reffered...
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In one of the journals, a member added a site where a comment about Sg was mention, in the column Sg is reffered...
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hi new friend

yea i sent in an application and got excepted, now im just working on my first set :o) ... stuck on ideas though

The start of the second week of this april, and Im really excited about it, since in Mexico we get days off by national holiday, so I get 4 days off starting thursday, and I will enjoy them to its fullist.
Read some journals, a lot of people had stuff to do this weekend, had some parties, some get togethers, sounded like fun
Anyway, my...
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Read some journals, a lot of people had stuff to do this weekend, had some parties, some get togethers, sounded like fun
Anyway, my...
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sweet! extra holidays rock.

NICE!!!! Love x-tra holidays...sorry about your camera...hope you get a great new one.
Well, the week started a little rough, with all the patients being pricks and all, but the thing that suck the worst was that my day off was moved for tomorrow, and that cusck because that means that my following day off will be until friday the 14th.
So that means that I have to make the most of it, since it will be a...
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So that means that I have to make the most of it, since it will be a...
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days off are pretty sweet, hope you have a good one! can't wait to see ur new pictures!


Rainy days like the one Im having are enjoyed when you spend youre time indoors, having a cup of joe, sitting in a comfortable recliner, and listening to the rain, but its NOT enjoyed when you have to be outdoors working, man, its sucks when you have to work when you actually dont want to work.
Tomorrow will be the middle of the week, its...
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Tomorrow will be the middle of the week, its...
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thank you for the comment
but im really not good looking at all
lol anyways...sounds like your having a fun week
hope your weekend is AWESOME!

hope your weekend is AWESOME!

i loooooooove rainy days!!
sometimes i wonder whether i should stop complaining about school cuz it sounds like a job sucks even more!!! hopfully i get one i like!

TGIF, week finally came to an end, and now its time to enjoy the weekend, will just have to see what surprises will have this 2 days.
Work is still hard and boring, people are still bitching, but on the plus side, I was given caviar by a patient for my nice work, so it was not that bad, get yelled by about a thousand...
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Work is still hard and boring, people are still bitching, but on the plus side, I was given caviar by a patient for my nice work, so it was not that bad, get yelled by about a thousand...
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is caviar really that good?
its wednesday, the middle of the week is almost over, and I can say with no doubt what so ever, that this week has been tired to say the least
, not to mention the most bitchin (referring to patients), its so weird, as soon as there inside the clinic, the start to act like 5 year olds, even when their paying for there work,...
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wow, sounds like a pain in the ass. i've been taking my ciggy breaks outside by the dumpsters at the mall instead of going out front and having to deal with all the mall people. it's kinda similar... i'm just trying to take a 5 minute break and they won't leave me alone, y'know? hehe.