alls well and everything has calmed down. we didnt find those guys. lucky for them the scum sucking fuckers.
on a lighter note.........
these guys make me sooooooooooo happy
and its my guys birthday tomorrow yup on easter sunday. pressies AND choccies

on a lighter note.........

these guys make me sooooooooooo happy

and its my guys birthday tomorrow yup on easter sunday. pressies AND choccies

We are talking to a lawyer to see what can be done. Because basically he was forced out of the job. Ive called the police but theres not much they can do.
Our car got vandalised too, the side mirrors were torn off and the back right pannel kicked in. I think the assholes he worked with did it, but no proof.
Once all the legal shit is sorted Im going around wth a baseball bat and Im going to kneecap the fuckers. No one threatens me like that and gets away with it.
Its great over here. Glasgow is a bit of a hole. The people in the East end where we are all have a huge chip on their shoulders. The whole Catholic vs Prodetant thing is rife here too so you dont go near pubs after the football because apparently the teams are diff religions
The West end of the city is great, a bit like Spring Hill at home, but with all old stone buildings.
People in other towns are nicer than here. I love it up north near Loch ness. I havent had a chance to explore much up there but soon.
We have plenty of money saved so we have time to sort out new jobs. And our rents paid. Were living in a creepy old block of sandstone flats. Its tiny but has lots of character. Apparently theres ghosts on the stair well
I guess I havent wanted to write much about things that we have seen and done because my computer isnt working well so I cant get pics off my camera and post them. Not much point talking about awesome places we go if I can share pictures. Hopefully that will change though, Im putting my computer in to get fixed next week.